5 Ways to Drink More Water and Stay Hydrated This Summer

5 Ways to Drink More Water and Stay Hydrated This Summer

August 3, 2020

Ready for the simplest way to boost your immune system, prevent injury, and help your body detox all at the same time?

Staying hydrated during the hot summer months is crucial to feeling and performing at your best.

Many of us know we need to drink more water most days – and especially on hot August days in the Mid South. A lot of us just never quite hit our goal, aren’t keeping track, or don’t know what that goal should be.

Are you thinking it’s probably no big deal?

Well, skipping water not only leaves you thirsty, but sluggish hungry, forgetful, and tired. Over time, a lack of hydration results in wrinkles, a poor immune system, and less than optimal sports performance.

So, what’s getting in the way of a healthy water habit . . .

  • Bored with the taste?
  • Not enough time?
  • Are you not sure how much you should be drinking?

Let’s start with how much water should we be drinking in a day. Everyone is different, but a good goal to start with is half your body weight in ounces (ex. if you weigh 150 pounds divided by 2 is 75, so 75 ounces of water per day).

When you do that math does it sound like a lot to you? If so, there are several strategies you can use to not only drink more water but truly allow your body to be optimally hydrated. Because we know that also means you will be feeling and performing at your best!

1. Drink When You Wake

Drink a full glass of water as soon as you get up.

We all become dehydrated overnight and need extra fluids to get our body going in the morning. The water wakes up your internal organs to get everything from your digestion to your metabolism started for the day. .

2. Keep a Bottle Handy

I carry a water bottle everywhere with me.

If I have to get up and go to the kitchen for a glass of water, I just won’t do it. When I have a bottle with me I sip on it throughout the day and get my necessary fluids without even thinking about it. A straw helps me even more!

3. Fruit Infused Water

Bored with plain water? Infused water to the rescue!

Infusing water allows you to change the taste with fruit or herbs without increasing calories or sugar content. You can make water taste better by infusing it with fruit and herbs. No extra calories and no added sugar! Raspberries and lemon, mint and lime, orange and ginger are all great combinations.

4. Set a Reminder

Setting a notification on your phone every hour to drink a glass of water ensures too long doesn’t go by without drinking. By the end of the day, you will have had plenty.

Plus, a steady stream of hydration throughout the day allows your body to better use the fluids than pouring in a gallon of water all at once.

5. Post Reminders

Hanging a sign on your fridge, a post it note on your bathroom mirror, or screen saver on your phone reminding you of the benefits of drinking water can keep you motivated and on track as well.

Which of these are going to help you reap the benefits of staying hydrated?

If you are performing strenuous athletic events or working outside in the heat or humidity, you may need more than just water. In this case, you likely lost electrolytes. This means replacing lost sodium and potassium, as well as replenishing lost fluids.

Just remember that drinks you find on the shelf at your local store are usually loaded with sugar, artificial sweeteners, colors, flavors, and harmful additives. And almost always are overloaded with sodium without the adequate ratio of potassium and magnesium.

Our favorite natural – non GMO, artificial color, flavor, and sugar free – hydration drink is called HYDRATE. It delivers a carefully researched blend of vital electrolytes, antioxidants, MCT’s, vitamins and minerals to protect the body from the harmful effects of dehydration. Check it out -> HERE <-

Any questions about hydrating, fueling, and performing your best? Send them to our Wellness Expert at amanda@peakpotentialpt.com 

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