Top Two Tips to Get Well and Stay Well this Spring

Top Two Tips to Get Well and Stay Well this Spring

May 3, 2021

What does being “well” mean to you?

Does it mean energy, weight loss, lower blood sugar, reaching a fitness goal, staying out of the doctors office, or getting off a medication?

No matter what “getting well” means to you, I know that when you get there you want to stay there . . . for good this time!

In order for the body to properly maintain itself and stay optimized, it’s important to have both a healthy body and mind. You can achieve vibrant health – and maintain it with ease – by engaging in a healthy lifestyle along with a positive mental attitude!

If you feel that you are lacking in one area or the other, you may want to change your meals, movement, or mindset. You may even need a metabolism reboot to get the energy to do the healthy things you know your body needs.

Generally, such lifestyle changes don’t happen overnight so set realistic goals when looking for results. And remember that sometimes the body gets healthy on the inside first before you see results on the outside, so keep a patient attitude.

Spring is the perfect time to renew and reset, so we are going to give you our top two tips to get well and stay well – not for a season, but for life!

Start with an Evaluation

Just like we do in physical therapy, if you want to see progress we need to start with a detailed evaluation of where we are at the start. In evaluating your current health, you should know what medical conditions you have, what obstacles you need to overcome, and your current mindset.

Do you have . . .

  • high blood pressure
  • elevated cholesterol
  • concerns about your weight
  • high blood sugars or prediabetes
  • increased risk for a heart attack or stroke
  • trouble sleeping
  • depression or anxiety
  • one or more autoimmune diseases
  • joint or muscle pain
  • concerns about aging

Your health care provider can help you answer some of these questions with a routine physical or blood work. They may have offered you a solution already, or you might still be searching for answers.

Either way, evaluating your current health concerns and your belief in your bodies ability to overcome them is the next best step. If you need some additional guidance and support, click the link below for a Free Health Coaching Consult.

Make Necessary Lifestyle Changes

Once you have evaluated your current state of physical and mental health, you should consider how you will make necessary lifestyle changes. Setting small goals for yourself sets you up for success as you achieve each step.

For example, if your concerns are about being overweight, what are some changes you can make this week to help you lose 5 pounds? You won’t be focusing on the 50 pounds you want to lose this year, but the small steps you can take immediately toward that goal.

Common lifestyle changes that people employ to improve their health include:

  • Cutting out soda and drinking more water
  • Eating more whole foods instead of processed foods
  • Closing the kitchen after dinner and not snacking at night
  • Walking at lunchtime or during calls
  • Asking a friend to be a workout accountability buddy
  • Setting an earlier bedtime
  • Developing a healthy bedtime routine
  • Breathing exercises to manage stress
  • Supplementing to fill in nutrition gaps

Just remember, change one or two things at a time instead of tackling the entire list.

Change IS Possible . . . even if you have not been successful in the past!

If you want to get well and stay well with healthy nutrition, movement, and attitude, consider your overall feelings about life.

  • Do you tend to think of the glass half full or half empty?
  • Do you allow yourself to be overwhelmed or discouraged when you face an obstacle?
  • Or, do you see challenges as opportunities you can use to improve yourself?

The most important thing to know and understand if you want to be healthier is that you are directly responsible for at least 95% of all that occurs in your life. As for the other 5%, there are ways to deal with those things in a positive and productive manner as well.

It is time to get well and stay well in order to enjoy to the fullest all the people activities you love this spring. All it takes is some self evaluation, goal setting, and the motivation to make a change.

If you are looking for some personalized direction on this process and how to best optimize your meals, movement, metabolism, and mindset for vibrant health, click the link below for a Free Health Coaching Strategy Consult. You will walk away with some clear goals and direction to living well for YOU because there is no “one size fits all” plan.

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