Why Your Headache’s More Than a Pain in the Head

Why Your Headache’s More Than a Pain in the Head

June 15, 2020

Headaches are miserable!

We all get them now and again, but for some of us, they’re more of a regular occurrence than others. That’s why ibuprofen and aspirin type painkillers are such big sellers.

In fact, many frequent head sufferers take these medications on a daily basis just to get through the day. These clients tell us they have suffered so often- and for so long – they just consider headaches a part of everyday life.

But painkillers can only relieve the symptoms temporarily by masking the pain – when many times, the recurring headache may actually be the result of something else!

Take a look at this email I received from a client after she read our Free Headache Report:


“After reading your neck pain and headaches booklet I wanted to send you an email to see if you could help me!

For the last 6 months, I’ve been suffering from some of the worst headaches I’ve ever had.

I sit in front of a computer daily for at least 8 hours in a job that is stressful most of the time.

Recently I visited my Doctor who gave me pills for the pain, but the pain still exists and all I feel is constant tightness in my neck and pounding at the front of my head.

Do you have any ideas? I don’t want to take these pills every day”

– Allison, 48 years young


Of course, I have several ideas of what could be causing Allison’s headaches!

In my years of experience it’s often the case that if someone is suffering from the dreaded regular episodes of headaches, that they just haven’t got to the real underlying root cause of their pain – and most of the time it’s nothing to do with anything that’s going on in the head!

Many times recurring headaches may be the result of tension in the shoulders, jaw or neck – something that many people aren’t even aware of.

You see, while painkillers may help take the pain away for a few hours, they aren’t actually doing anything to prevent them from coming back. In fact, many clients report “rebound” headaches after their pain medication wears off that is worse than when they started.

Sometimes the root cause of a nasty headache is an allergy to certain foods or odors, hormone changes, fluctuating blood sugars, or disrupted sleep.

But what happens when you try to change all of these things but pounding headaches just won’t go away?

The one thing most people disregard as a trigger is ‘stress’. We all know stress does many things to our body, but where do we feel stress the most?

We feel it as tightness and tension in our neck and shoulder muscles – and all of this tension brings on headaches!

And I think we can all agree that the past few months have brought stress into our lives that we would have never imagined. Kids home ALL THE TIME, keeping up with a virtual meeting schedule, the news filled with turmoil, and don’t forget your mask.

Or just picture a typical day …

Mornings can be crazy if your house is anything like ours. You’re running late, you can’t find your keys, you’re not prepared for your morning meeting at work and the dog has just tracked mud all through the living room… No wonder you’re stressed!

Add up all the stressors through the day, you’ll likely find that at the end of the week you’ve got a lot of tension around your shoulders.

Which is why it’s important to deal with these things daily, without responding to them in a stressful way, so we can start to prevent headaches and make them occur less and less.

So what are some things you can do right now to help?

There’s a number of relaxation techniques that can reduce symptoms of stress. Making time for pleasurable activities such as listening to music, reading a book, or doing your favorite exercise – I personally love to take the dog for a walk, as it really helps to clear my mind.

In addition, yoga, pilates, tai chi, and deep breathing can go a long way in relaxing tight muscles and alleviating pain.

You may say you don’t have time in your day for these things – but do you have time for a headache? I don’t think so! Find some way that works with your lifestyle to release the stress and tension from your day and you will find pain in your head and neck will start to lessen.

If you need more tips to ease neck pain and headaches (even migraines), you can Download the Free Report that Allison read below. It will show you several ways to ease pain naturally, without needing painkillers.

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