Help For Runners Worried About a Bad Back

Help For Runners Worried About a Bad Back

June 10, 2019

Running involves repetitive stress and impact that can affect you from your feet all the way to your neck. People who have an underlying back or joint problem sometimes find running makes their pain worse. This is why runners are frequently coming in and out of our doors (and they are some of our favorites to treat).

If we had to predict the two most common injuries runners will be coming to us with this fall, it would be “runners knee” (which you can find on last weeks blog), or complaints of a “stiff lower back”. Both of these complaints, keep them from running at a speed, distance, or effort level of those in their age bracket.

You don’t have to be experiencing severe pain to be effected either. Here are tips for anyone running with a stiff or bad back, or anyone who wants to avoid one.

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