

Are your aches and pain caused by “Boomeritis”? The Four Part Self-Test

Are your aches and pain caused by “Boomeritis”? The Four Part Self-Test

May 23, 2016

Today we are going to talk about baby boomers, the –itis that might be nagging you,

and how to keep them at bay. New aches and pains do NOT need to be added with

each passing birthday.

As baby boomers hit their 40’s and 50’s, there was an explosion of bone and joint

aches, pains, injuries and aliments. Dr. DiNubile at the University of Pennsylvania

coined the term “Boomeritis” to describe this phenomenon.

Baby boomers, born between 1946 and 1964, now account for greater than 40% of

the U. S. population. Are you part of this first generation intentionally fighting to

stay younger and more active?

Unfortunately, over 50% of boomers report little or no daily physical activity.

Some are starting to see the effects of this sedentary lifestyle and are looking for

change. Others who remained active throughout their lifespan are working hard

to maintain their level of physical fitness. The most popular forms of activities

for this demographic are swimming, walking, and biking due to low incident of

injury and goal for burning calories.

Unfortunately, building cardiovascular endurance and weight management are

not enough for those who don’t just want to live longer, but also remain stronger.

The real need is a cross training program that is all inclusive to improve posture,

muscular strength, core stability, flexibility, balance, and agility.

How do you know if you need help in these areas?

1. Can you reach down and touch the floor for 10 seconds without bending your


2. Can you balance on one foot for 30 seconds? How about with your eyes closed?

3. Laying flat on your back with legs straight up to the ceiling, are you able to keep

your back flat while lowering your legs to 45 degrees?

4. Can you get yourself into a seated position on the floor and back up to standing

without touching your knees, back or elbows to the floor?

If you are unable to complete any of these tests, or have pain doing so, you are more

prone to injury. Prevention is your best course of action to maintain your independent

and mobility throughout your lifespan.

We know you want more than to “just get around”. You have important things on the

agenda. . .

. . . chasing grand kids

. . . playing golf

. . . a jog on the beach.

Keep a look out for our next post for some tips on fighting boomeritis.

However, for the most comprehensive evaluation and effective strategy, you need to see

a movement specialist. Make an appointment with a physical therapist. They will be

able to set you up with a comprehensive program not just to train for sport, but to meet

the demands of your daily life for years to come.

Still not sure if PT is right for you?

Request a FREE phone consultation right from our website

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