5 Steps to Get Back to Running After an Injury


“I hurt my ankle a month ago, and want to know how long it’ll take to get back to running. It’s frustrating to not know if it’s safe to run again.”

This is a question we get asked often and let me first say, I get the frustration!

When an injury hits you and you aren’t able to exercise, it’s hard mentally and physically. The toughest part can be the unknown – how long will take to get back or even when is it safe to return.

Although, I know you’re itching to get back into it – injuries are no joke. They are your body’s way of sounding an alarm that something isn’t right.

When you are tempted to make that comeback too quickly, ask yourself this:

Would you rather make steady progress towards building a healthy running base so you don’t risk another injury? Or do you want to risk a possible setback that may require a longer recovery?

After an injury, it’s important to listen to how your body feels. You can trust it! It’ll tell you when it’s ready and when you have done too much.

Other factors that will impact your return to exercise include age, how long you’ve been injured, and what steps you take to recover.

With that said, here are 5 steps to get back to exercise safely after an injury:

1. Take It Slow

If you return to training as you did before too quickly, you run the risk of making yourself weaker. Get back to your training routine gradually to prevent re-injury.

2. Begin With Walking

It’s the most natural type of movement for the body, and if you’re injured, a gentle walk is a great way to keep active. See how you feel and gradually increase your exercise time and intensity.

3. Work On Your Balance

It might not be an obvious part of running rehab, but exercises for your balance will improve your posture and strengthen your core – which are essential to preventing a running injury.

4. Eat Well and Stay Hydrated

Nutrition and hydration are critical to the body’s healing process. Eating whole, natural foods, and drinking plenty of fluids will speed up recovery by strengthening your muscles and joints.

5. Get Help From A Hands On Physical Therapist

A manual (hands one) sports therapist can provide you with a step-by-step program tailored specifically to you and your needs. They will guide you back to the exercise you enjoy in the quickest, and safety way possible while making sure the injury doesn’t re-occur.

When it comes to your health, fitness, and lifestyle, it’s important to listen to expert advice – that way you can be sure to get back to running, and your favorite activities, much quicker and safer like you deserve.

For more information on recoverying from a running injury, request a copy of our FREE report:

8 Proven Ways for Runners to Stop Nagging Hip & Knee Pain

(or ankle, back, or even neck pain for that matter)

Run Faster and Longer Pain Free without Stopping Your Training Routine!