Could Collagen Really Help Me Feel Younger?
Collagen is present throughout the human body. It is the protein that makes up our muscles, tendons, ligaments, bones, and skin. In fact, it can make up nearly 95% of the cartilage in our joints. The problem is, that starting in our 30’s our bodies become less able...
Friday Foodspiration: Pumpkin Seed Granola
Ready for fall and all things pumpkin spice? I’m easing myself in with pumpkin seed granola. A little sweet, not overly pumpkin spicy, and is a perfect Greek yogurt (coconut yogurt for me) topping. It is packed with pumpkin and flax seed for a super healthy boost...
How to Naturally Balance Hormones to Look & Feel Your Best
Ladies, could your hormones be to blame? Are you months or years postpartum and still not quite feeling like yourself? Are you over 40 and having difficulties finding balance in mood, body weight, or energy? Are you menopausal and are struggling with memory,...
Friday Foodspiration: Oven “Fried” Chicken and Waffles
Ready for some fall comfort food? It might not feel like it yet, but cooler weather will be here before we know it and I have some fun recipes to get us ready. Fried chicken and waffles – a combo I had never heard of before I moved to Tennessee – is starting to...
Improve Flexibility to Slow Down Aging
Aches and pains seem to creep up as we age, but it is possible to turn back the clock by remaining strong, flexible, and agile. Do any of these recent quotes from clients sound familiar to you? “I want to play on the floor with my grandchildren, but have so much...
Friday Foodspiration: Healthy Yakisoba Noodles
We love Asian noodle dishes at our house because dinner with chopsticks is just more fun! This stir-fry noodle dish is a copycat of a traditional Japanese Yakisoba noodle bowl, which is typically stir fried with vegetables. This type of noodle differs from other...
5 Ways Your Sleep Habits Contribute to Aches & Pains
Which came first, the sleep deprivation or the pain? It seems obvious to most of us how pain effects sleep. No one can get a good nights sleep when their back hurts or they are constantly rolling over on a sore shoulder or their mind keeps focusing on an injured...
Friday Foodspiration: Pecan Pie Protein Bars
Snack or protein bars are a lifesaver when on the go . . . especially as school starts back and many activities resume. The problem is they often contain a lot of “questionable” ingredients when it comes to health. The bars that tout “only 5 ingredients” or the...
Improving Performance While Preventing Injury in Your Youth Athlete
Fall sports is likely to look very different for all of us this year. In fact, if you have a youth athlete, you’ve likely had many disappointments already thanks to COVID-19. For most of us, preseason training started later than planned, social distancing had to be...
Friday Foodspiration: Lemony Squash Bread
Just as plentiful as zucchini this time of year, yellow summer squash can be used countless in the kitchen. In fact, it is my favorite veggie to sneak into meals without my family noticing. This can be mixing in some squash noodles with their regular pasta or...