Friday Foodspiration: Chocolate Protein Donut Holes
Craving a sweet treat for breakfast or a snack? But, you know your body would be optimized with more protein and less sugar. I’ve got you covered! Chocolate protein donut holes are high in protein and low in carbohydrates. Baked instead of fried and even gluten...
Why Your Headache’s More Than a Pain in the Head
Headaches are miserable! We all get them now and again, but for some of us, they’re more of a regular occurrence than others. That’s why ibuprofen and aspirin type painkillers are such big sellers. In fact, many frequent head sufferers take these medications on a...
5 Simple Ways to Eliminate Jaw Pain and Tension
If you have experienced jaw pain like I have, you know it can make the simplest tasks such as talking and eating miserable. This pain is likely coming from the Temporomandibular Joint or TMJ. Misalignment of this joint or muscle spasms around this joint is also a...
Friday Foodspiration: Arugula Salad with Shallot Vinaigrette
This salad couldn’t be simpler or fancier all at the same time. It is perfect paired with grilled meat such as pork tenderloin, lamb chops, or chicken. Why arugula? You are going to get a lot more bang for your nutritional buck with arugula compared to regular...
Friday Foodspiration: Avocado Pesto Zoodles.
The problem . . . the gluten in them does not love me. In addition, despite my denial, this heavy carbohydrate dinner makes me feel sluggish and foggy through the evening. This may be okay if I leave the dinner table and head to the couch, but after dinner is by...
Solutions For Your Jaw Pain & Tension
The top searched physical therapy topic over the past few months is jaw pain and tension headaches. It was obvious I needed to chat with an expert on the topic. I called upon my colleague Elena Yanes, who has researched this topic and worked with other highly...
Top 3 Tips for Trail Running (or Walking)
Trail running calls to many runners for different reasons. More people have recently taken up trail running to keep social distance while still getting out on an adventure. If we are honest, we all are pretty bored of walks and runs around our own neighborhoods....
Friday Foodspiration: Strawberry Pecan Crisp
What are your thoughts on organic versus conventional produce? I would love to buy all organic but it doesn’t always fit in the budget. I pick and choose my organic purchases based on the Environmental Working Group’s “Clean 15” and “Dirty Dozen”. The list...
Top 5 Ways to Enjoy Spring in Collierville While Social Distancing
No school, working from home, stores and restaurants closed for most of the spring . . . we are all going a little stir crazy. Although many businesses are opening back up, we are encouraged by the Centers for Disease Control to continue practicing social...
Friday Foodspiration: Bruschetta Chicken
This is a favorite appetizer turned entrée – Bruschetta Chicken. But this tomato based topping could be used on lots of things. Think toasty bread, ground meat, zoodles, or for pita chip dipping. It’s loaded with micro- and phyto-nutrients – check out this blog...