Balance Exercises for Better Health
Have you ever felt like life’s demands are pulling you in different directions, leaving you craving stability and equilibrium? We understand that achieving and maintaining balance isn’t just about physical posture; it’s a journey that impacts your entire...
Rejuvenate a Stressed or Slow Metabolism
Are you feeling sluggish, tired, and frustrated with a slow metabolism? You’re not alone. Many people complain to me about a checked out metabolism, especially during periods of high stress or life changes. But, just because it is common doesn’t mean it has to be...
The Journey of Long COVID Recovery
Long COVID, also known as post-acute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 infection (PASC), is a complex and debilitating condition that affects individuals long after their initial recovery from COVID-19. Understanding and addressing the challenges of long COVID recovery have...
Understanding and Enhancing Elbow Function
The elbow joint is a complex structure that allows for essential movements like bending, twisting, and grasping. However, when the elbow is injured or impaired, it can significantly impact our ability to perform simple tasks or engage in physical activities. That’s...
8 Steps to Prevent Overuse Injuries this Summer
Summertime is prime time to get your fitness routine in gear – either formally at the gym, around the local track, or recreationally at the golf course. We love to see it each year because exercise is one of the best things you can do for your body and mind....
5 Hip Mobility Exercises for Stronger, Pain-Free Hips
Are you tired of experiencing hip tightness and lower back pain? Do you struggle to perform simple tasks like bending down to pick up something from the floor or getting in and out of your car? With these everyday moves, you can increase your hip mobility and bid...
Simple Steps Toward Lifelong Brain Health
Just as our physical body changes over time, it’s natural to see changes in our brain as well. Fortunately, it’s also true that we can maintain our cognitive fitness in similar ways that we maintain physical fitness. At any age, lifestyle choices play a major role...
Get Back on Your Feet with These Ankle Exercises
Ankle weakness can be a major barrier to staying active and enjoying your favorite activities. Fortunately, with the right exercises and guidance from a physical therapist, you can overcome ankle weakness and get back on your feet. We also have a free guide you can...
Natural Relief for Arthritis Pain
For the millions of adults who struggle with arthritis, new and natural relief for arthritis pain is always welcome news. While traditional treatments such as pain medication and injections tend to be temporary and long term use result in unwanted side effects,...
Exercises for Meniscus Tear Recovery
This article provides helpful information for athletes or anyone suffering from a meniscus tear. It provides eight exercises that can help improve the strength and flexibility of the knee joint and potentially speed up the healing process. These exercises can be...