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7 Ways Your Youth Athlete Can Avoid Injury This Season

This year it is estimated that 60 million children and teens will participate in youth sports activities. This is great news! The benefits of athletics are numerous: teamwork healthy habits discipline self esteem leadership Unfortunately, we see many of these youth...

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Ending the Painful Cycle of Poor Posture

Is your posture causing your pain? Posture and pain can be a viscous cycle. Poor posture causes pain which causes worst posture and then worse pain. The problem is that bad posture is taxing on your muscles and joints. Over time this causes deterioration in your...

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Discover Freedom From Headaches

How often do you experience a nagging ache, stabbing pain, or intense pressure in your head? An estimated 45 million Americans suffer from chronic headaches and many of these people are retreating from their daily lives due to pain. Others are trying to manage day...

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4 Flip Flop Rules to Prevent Foot Pain

Now that school is out and summer is upon us, it is time for one of my favorite things. It is time to get a pedicure and allow my toes to enjoy the freedom of flip flops and sandals. The problem is that new aches and pains arise when I ditch the comfort of the...

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Three Secrets to Fighting Boomeritis

Is this the question you are asking yourself after last week’s post? Read on. . . . we can help! But first let’s review the problem. . . . As of 2015, all baby boomers were over the age of 50. Each year, 2.5 million of these boomers go to the emergency room with...

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Is your heel pain plantar fasciitis?

There is a good chance that your heel pain is plantar fasciitis. It is the most common type of heel pain. It is caused by microscopic muscle tear and inflammation in the ligament across the bottom of your foot. It is no wonder injury here is so common. When you run...

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Demystify Your First Physical Therapy Visit

Visiting a new healthcare provider can be overwhelming and confusing. Then add on pain and frustration from failed attempts at recovery. No wonder these emotions keep many people from seeking physical therapy when they need it the most. It doesn’t have to be this...

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