How to Live Without Pain or Fatigue by Improving Gut Health
Except when hit by a stomach bug growing up, most of us took our digestive system for granted. We could eat whatever we wanted and things moved along without much thought. Are you lucky enough that this is still the case for you? Or are you like most of Americans...
10 Frustrating Symptoms that Point to Your Gut
Until it starts giving us trouble, we may tend to ignore our digestive system. maybe a stomach having us run to the bathroom or bloating after a meal making our pants too tight. It would serve us well to pay more attention to our gut on a daily basis. It can be the...
Friday Foodspiration: Lemon Chicken and Crisp Vegetables
Does healthy mean dry chicken breast and soggy vegetables? It doesn’t have to be that way. Healthy can be flavorful, satisfying, and simple to prepare. A perfectly cooked chicken breast and crisp vegetables make the perfect healthy dinner with bright flavor and...
Discover Deep Breathing for Stress and Pain Relief
Do you know what happens inside your body when you are stressed? During times of emotional stress our sympathetic nervous system is stimulated – the part of the brain that says danger is near and we better run. This signals a number of physical responses. . . . Our...
Friday Foodspiration: Butternutty Bread
A little bit sweet and a whole lot healthy! When working with health coaching clients, most often I find they are not eating enough protein consistently throughout the day. This limits their ability to make progress with workouts, maintain hormone balance, and burn...
8 Lessons to Learn to Eat for Longevity
If you would like to celebrate your 100th birthday or just live your highest quality of life between now and then, take a look at what’s on your plate. Experts agree that genetics and lifestyle go hand in hand in determining how long you’ll live. Take some Pacific...
Friday Foodspiration: Blueberry Spinach Salad
Just say no to boring, nutrient void salads! That iceberg lettuce just isn’t adding much to boost your health or build up your body. This easy salad is packed with nutrients to build strong bones and muscles: Healthy fats in avocado and almonds Calcium, magnesium,...
6 Steps to Your Healthiest Salad
Have you ever gone out to a restaurant and decided to stick with a salad to “be healthy”? Now that many restaurants post their nutrition facts on their website it is easy to find out that many of the salads offered aren’t as health as we thought. When I looked up...
Friday Foodspiration: Thai Chicken Lettuce Wraps
All the complex flavors of Thai take out without the questionable ingredients or allergens like peanut oils, soy, and MSG. The good news is, herbs like ginger, turmeric, and cilantro often found in Thai cuisine are anti inflammatory and aid in detoxification. So...
6 Healthy Ways to Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day
The yearly feast day honoring St. Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland, has become synonymous with good beer, loud music, greasy food, and all things green. But there is no need to act like a college kid at a frat party just to have a good time on this holiday....