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10 Afternoon Pick Me Ups When You Crave a Nap

10 Afternoon Pick Me Ups When You Crave a Nap

These cold cloudy days of winter days seem to drain my energy. I can have a productive morning, but I feel my momentum start to dwindle in the afternoon. A nap would be refreshing, but that is usually (like never) an option. If you are like me and need an afternoon...

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5 Ways to Prevent the Afternoon Slump

5 Ways to Prevent the Afternoon Slump

It’s all too common . . . . 3 pm hits and we are physically and mentally done for the day. It’s hard to focus on our tasks at work. We have to drag ourselves to pick up kids from school and get homework done. There is no energy left to stop at the gym or make the...

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How Pain Works & What You Can Do to Overcome

How Pain Works & What You Can Do to Overcome

Are you experiencing pain? Maybe you have had pain before, but this time is different. The pain is not going away and may even seem to be spreading. Activities you used to enjoy are sadly becoming impossible. The pain is wearing you down. You may have seen your...

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8 Tips to Break Up With Fast Food

8 Tips to Break Up With Fast Food

Across the country people are making changes this New Year to eat a healthier, more balanced diet. Concern about nutrition has sky rocketed and fast food restaurants seem to be catching on with claims of healthier options. But, will choosing these menu items really...

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10 Best New Year’s Resolutions for Your Health

10 Best New Year’s Resolutions for Your Health

Can you believe we are closing in on the end of a decade?! I don’t know about you, but I have big things planned for 2020 and need to make my health a top priority to achieve, perform, and show up for my family the way I desire. Did your health make it to your New...

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Weight Loss Self-Reflection for Ultimate Success

Weight Loss Self-Reflection for Ultimate Success

Did you set a weight loss or body composition goal for 2019? Did you reach your goal, abandon ship part way through, or are you steadily continuing on your journey? Wherever you stand today, we know that you want ultimate, lasting success. And the best way to get...

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My Top 5 Books on Health and Wellness in 2019

My Top 5 Books on Health and Wellness in 2019

When it comes to health and wellness, so much knowledge and motivation can be found in a good book. I wrote a top 5 book blog post for 2017, because it was a year I dove into tons of books on the subject. As for 2018 . . . well, I was writing a book and was reading...

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7 Surprising Ways My Body Changed After Baby

7 Surprising Ways My Body Changed After Baby

The changes that occur in the body are very obvious during pregnancy. The belly protrudes, the back arches, the pelvis expands, and pretty much everything swells. There are awesome changes too, like luxurious hair growth and for many glowing skin. What surprises a lot...

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Friday Foodspiration: Creamy Eggnog Bites

Friday Foodspiration: Creamy Eggnog Bites

Heading into the weekend and there will be a lot of sweet treats to be had around the holiday parties. Well, now you can have your eggnog and eat it too! This is a creamy protein bite that has all the festive flavors you find in eggnog. I use my favorite vegan vanilla...

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3 Secrets to a Low Stress Holiday Season

3 Secrets to a Low Stress Holiday Season

We are well into the holiday season – a time of year that’s known for it’s busy nature and loads of stress. After all, you likely have invitations to multiple gatherings, a long list of people to send holiday cards to, extravagant meals to prepare, and the daunting...

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