

My Top 5 Books on Health and Wellness in 2019

My Top 5 Books on Health and Wellness in 2019

December 23, 2019

When it comes to health and wellness, so much knowledge and motivation can be found in a good book.

I wrote a top 5 book blog post for 2017, because it was a year I dove into tons of books on the subject. As for 2018 . . . well, I was writing a book and was reading all the research on PubMed instead of books from the library. In fact, all the reading in 2017 is what inspired Trevor and I to write or own book in 2018.

In 2019, I got back to reading – mostly borrowed from the library but a few I’ve invested in myself because I want to read them over and over again. So again I have complied my top list for the year that I would recommend to anyone looking to improve their health, happiness, wellness, and capacity to heal this coming year.

Outer Order Inner Calm by Gretchen Rubin

Do you ever have days where seems chaotic, your brain is foggy, or you just feel sluggish? I know this hit me many days in the past year when I was burning the candle at both ends. In this book, by best selling author Gretchen Rubin, she explains how when our outer world is cluttered and chaotic it affects our inner world as well.

She provides great tips on decluttering and finding order in our homes, lives, and possessions in order to increase happiness and calm. And I can attest to the fact that inner calm is one of the best things you can achieve for your overall health and well being.

Brain Body Diet: 40 Days to a Lean, Calm, Energized, and Happy Self by Sara Gottfried, MD

Could your health problems be in your head? Maybe. Dr. Gottfried discuss the malfunction in the connection between your brain and your body. Our thoughts affect our physical health and what we do to our body has a lasting effect on our brain as well. When we ignore these connections, we enter a vicious cycle of chronic health symptoms and cognitive decline.

This book is for the woman at the end of her rope with diagnoses and medications and is ready to make some lifestyle changes to see a lasting improvement in her total body health.

The Inflammation Spectrum by Dr. Will Cole

This is a health topic we get asked about most often so I had to include a resource in my top book recommendations. What is inflammation? What is it doing to your body? And how do we reduce it?

Although the topic is covered in many other wellness books, this is a deep dive into how inflammation leads to weight gain, fatigue, pain, and hormone imbalances. He proposes that every meal we eat can either help or hurt ourselves on this inflammation spectrum. The good news is he gives great, actionable advice on what to do to skew this in your favor.

Beyond the Pill by Jolene Brighten, ND

I considered not including this one, because it is more of a niche topic. But, the new research presented in this book – and knowing many of our clients are women who are or have been on the birth control pill – I couldn’t leave it off the list.

So if this is you, and you’re finding that signs of hormonal imbalance like anxiety, weight gain, or decreased libido are affecting your life then this book is going to help. The focus may at first seem like “just ditch the pill”, but she gives other suggestions to mitigate the side effects and find balance in your life again (ie regular periods, less acne, reversing hair loss). Although the book is very deep in research it is very user friendly.

What the Heck Should I Cook? More than 200 Delicious Recipes for Lifelong Health by Mark Hyman, MD

This cookbook is a follow up to Dr. Hyman’s book What the Heck Should I Eat? released in 2018, but you can definitely use this cookbook without ever reading the original book (although I recommend that one as well).

The recipes help you create a balanced diet for whatever health goals you have. He includes a variety of healthy fats, vegetables, nuts, legumes, and responsibly raised animal products as well. They are all gluten, grain, and dairy free with creative options to fit into your lifestyle or chosen way of eating.

Bonus: Heal, Optimize, Thrive: An Integrative System To Recover Energy, Gain Strength, and Age With Vitality Even After Injury by Trevor and Amanda Ling

I read this book more than any other in 2019 (due to editing it over and over again) and we were excited to be able to share it with you this last year. If you didn’t catch the release of our book last spring – you can still purchase it HERE on Amazon, but here’s what you missed . . .

No one should be robbed of their best life! An injury doesn’t have to start a downhill spiral and age doesn’t have to mean declining health. Unfortunately, modern healthcare focuses on pain and sickness – and once your not in pain then you must be well. It’s a lie too many of us believe.

True wellness – where you experience energy, strength, and vitality – is about healing mind and body, optimizing health, and making choices that will allow your body to thrive as you age. We believe it is critical reading for anyone wanting to age well without pain and injury to live their best life in the decades to come.

One thing I can say about all of these books is that you should read them with an open mind. Topics discussed and research presented may completely turn on it’s head the ideas you’ve carried throughout your life about what it means to be health and what is required to achieve wellness.

What do none of these books have? Lists of medications you should take or procedures to sign up for. They present natural, holistic (but not to woo woo) things you can do that will drastically impact the quality of your life more than you may have ever realized.

Does it all just seem too complex, no time to read the books, or do you feel there is no way you could navigate making these lifestyle changes on your own?

Not to worry – I have read the books and research and am ready to break it all down for you into bite-size pieces. Just request a FREE no obligation Wellness Coaching Discovery Visit to learn how we can work together to tackle your big health and wellness goals in 2020. Just click the link below . .

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