

The Surprising Connection Between Arthritis & Fatigue and 8 Tips to Get Your Energy Back

The Surprising Connection Between Arthritis & Fatigue and 8 Tips to Get Your Energy Back

April 6, 2020

When it comes to arthritis, sore knees and stiff hips may be the first thing that comes to mind. However, there are invisible symptoms that can be just as troubling. Up to 75% of patients say they experience fatigue and other sleep issues.

This is especially true with rheumatoid arthritis, because it is a systemic condition that affects your whole body rather than just your joints. Many experts believe that the fatigue is caused by antibodies that circulate through your blood and trigger inflammation.

However, the pain, inflammation, and changes in mobility with osteoarthritis can also lead to physical and mental fatigue. In either case there can be a troubling cycle where physical discomfort interferes with sleep and the lack of sleep makes physical discomfort more difficult to bear.

If you’re tired of arthritis holding you back, there are solutions to these problems with sleep and fatigue. Learn about lifestyle changes and treatments that can restore your energy.

1. Exercise Regularly

How can you motivate yourself to work out when it’s a struggle just to get out of bed? Remember that physical training provides long-term relief as you strengthen your muscles, extend your range of motion, and even brighten your mood.

2. Stay Hydrated

Fatigue is a common sign of dehydration and electrolyte imbalance. It’s especially important to drink enough water when you have a condition like arthritis that can intensify such symptoms. First increase your water intake, and if that doesn’t do the trick use an electrolyte replacement mixed with your water once a day (try Hydrate a sugar free option with no artificial ingredients).

3. Reorganize Your Home

Conserve your energy by making your home and office more user-friendly. Place items that you use frequently within easy reach – avoid having to climb a step ladder to reach items at the top of the pantry. You can also purchase a small cart with wheels or rolling hamper for moving supplies from one room to another.

4. Prioritize Sleep

While sleeping more may not eliminate fatigue, it can help. Aim to go to bed and wake up at the same time each day and keep your bedroom environment dark and quiet. If you wake up feeling fatigued you may not be getting into deep sleep and may benefit from a supplement to help you relax into this state (despite pain and discomfort). We use Sleep Strips with small doses of natural ingredients to increase melatonin and relaxation allowing your body to log more time in restorative sleep cycles.

5. Eat Anti Inflammatory Foods

Choose foods that have anti-inflammatory effect on the body. That includes many fruits, vegetables, nuts, and fatty fish. If you want additional guidance on following an anti inflammatory diet avoid Dr. Google, because the information you find will be very contradictory. Request a free consult with our Nutrition Specialist to discover what an anti inflammatory diet should look like for you -> No Cost Session.

6. Show Compassion

Treat yourself with compassion. This may mean you need to cut back on some responsibilities for a period of time. Focus on your own abilities and not compare or try to keep up with others. Set goals for yourself based on how your felt or what you were able to do yesterday and what a better tomorrow would look like for you.

7. Seek Support

Surround yourself with family and friends that show you compassion as well. However, even those closest too you may find it difficult to understand your fatigue. Look for support groups or online forums where you can meet others who share similar experiences. But, don’t let yourself get sucked in to complainers and negativity. It is often helpful to seek professional support if you find people in your life are looking for problems and not solutions.

8. Improve Mobility

Physical therapy can help improve your mobility through increasing your strength and overall fitness. Your doctor may give you a referral to physical therapy, but you are able to come see us directly in the state of Tennessee without a referral. You know when your body needs a tune up and it’s important to address those concerns as quickly as possible.

Taking control of your fatigue with one or more of these eight tips can most importantly change your attitude. And attitude can play a major role in how arthritis affects your life.

While there is not currently a cure for rheumatoid arthritis or a way to reverse damage of osteoarthritis, appropriate self care and therapeutic treatments can increase the quality of your life. Focus on being kind to your body with what you put in, how you move, and the words you speak.

I know that can be a lot easier said than done. When you need some guidance on the next best step for you, reach out for help. A health coach can help you tackle your movement, nutrition, sleep, and reduce fatigue so you can feel happier and return to doing the activities you love.

Looking for a health coach that specializes in arthritis and can help you get all these areas of your life optimized? That’s me – a doctor of physical therapy, nutrition specialist and women’s wellness expert. Click the link below for a No Cost Discovery Session to take the next best step in your healing journey.

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