5 Ways Life Is Better Without Joint Pain

When clients come in the door with joint pain, they often don’t have much hope.  They arrive not very optimistic that we can even help them, often having tried physical therapy in the past.  In fact they tell us time and again – “I have tried EVERYTHING!”

Nearly everyone who suffers from chronic knee, hip, back, or neck pain wishes they could find a way to get long term relief.  And if that’s you, I could show you all the ways that we might be able to help you.  Instead, I just want to step back and look at all the reasons you MUST persevere.  

Here’s a list of the 5 main reasons why exploring every avenue possible (to find relief from joint pain), is worthwhile. 

Without any  (or even just less) chronic joint pain, you could do any or all of these things:


 1. Stop Taking Painkillers

Without joint pain, you can get off of pain medication.  Stop calling your doctor when you are running low and following up for another prescription.  Spend that time doing something more enjoyable.  Not to mention, the negative side effects you may be experiencing from various pain medications you take.


 2. Get Rid of a Brace

Ready to get rid of that back or knee support?  It’s hot in the summer, uncomfortable under bulky winter clothes, and not so cute with any outfit.  In fact, that brace may be making things worse, not better like you hope.  Get rid of your joint pain and you can get rid of that brace for good!


 3. Gain Energy

You will find more energy when you can sleep better with less aches and pains.  You may sleep through the night without being woken up every time you move in your sleep.  In addition, pain can take a lot out of you.  You will find you have more energy at the end of the day when you haven’t been distracted by pain.


 4. Do What You Love

Less joint pain, swelling, and stiffness means more time doing what you love.  What makes you happy?  What fulfills you the most?  Spending more time in the garden or playing with your grandchildren makes a much improved quality of life.


 5. Physical and Emotional Freedom

Pain can grip you not only physically, but also emotionally.  Live free from the frustration and restrictions of always having to think and wonder if your knee or back will let you do what you want to do tomorrow, or go where you want to go without suffering so much pain or stiffness.  Go to bed each night knowing your body will wake up ready to do what your mind has set out.


These are just five things to think about, but honestly, I could go on and on.  Living with chronic joint pain is not enjoyable.


And if this is you . . . Don’t give up!

You may have tried a lot of things, but you have not tried EVERYTHING.  We have more tools in our tool belt that you can imagine.  SO, if you have tried exercise or massage or physical therapy in the past, there is so much more we can try.

People come to us on a daily basis asking what can be done to help find relief from long lasting problems such as knee, hip, low back pain, or headaches.  We have natural (no medication, no injections) ways to get relief from joint pain. A lot of our clients (especially those AGE 50+) are getting serious amounts of relief from manual therapy, Astym treatments, and dry needling just to name a few.

We know those suffering from ongoing pain are hesitant to try yet another strategy. So, we are offering FREE Discovery Sessions to see what we do and how it differs from what you tried before.  We want to help you make a better, more informed decision about treating your joint pain, free from any risk.  Request this FREE session with a Doctor of Physical Therapy by clicking HERE.

I encourage you to try just one more option . . . Don’t give up on living your fullest life possible!