Friday Foodspiration: Shrimp with Spinach Pistachio Pesto


It doesn’t get much healthier than this “pasta” dish.  You’ve got leafy greens, lean protein, and zucchini noodles for extra veggies.

A serving of shrimp (about 3 ounces) has only about 75 calories with 1 gram of fat, but 15 grams of protein. It also provides heart health omega 3 fatty acids, vitamin B12, and iron. These are all things I know my body needs more of based on my genetics.

Do you know what your DNA says about the nutrients you may need or less of to optimize your health? It was amazing for me to learn how my body responds to different nutrients and how to incorporate into my diet the exact foods that allow my body to work at it’s best (more nutrition DNA info at the bottom of the page).

And just one more thing before we get to the recipe . . . If you eat dairy, I would highly recommend a sprinkling of Parmesan cheese.  If not, this pesto has plenty of flavor without it!

Paleo. Dairy free. Keto. Gluten Free.


Pesto –

  • 1 cup Pistachios

  • 3 cups Spinach

  • 1 tsp Sea Salt

  • 1 tbs Oregano

  • 1 clove Garlic

  • 2 tbs Lemon Juice

  • 1 cup Olive Oil

Shrimp –

  • 3 lbs Raw Shrimp (thawed if previously frozen)

  • 2 tbs Avocado Oil

  • 2 Zucchini, spiralized (or cooked pasta noodles if you prefer)


  1. Add all ingredients for pesto sauce in a food processor until smooth.

  2. Heat oil in a large pan (I used cast iron) over medium-high heat. Add shrimp and cook 2-3 minutes per side.

  3. Add pesto and zucchini noodles to the pan and toss to coat. Continue to cook until heated through and zucchini is cooked to your liking.*

*I only saute my zucchini noodles for a few minutes because I like them to still have some bite to them like al dente pasta.  If you substitute regular pasta noodles they will need to first be cooked according to package instructions.

Want to know how your body responds to different nutrients or even dairy? Wondering how susceptible your body is to inflammation and how much omega 3’s you need to fight it?

You can get the answers to these questions and more with nutrition and fitness DNA testing. With an simple cheek swab, sent away to our partner lab, you can get a nearly 50 page report telling you based on genetics how your body responds to these things.

In addition, you will learn things about how your body will respond in terms of weight loss, recovery, different types of exercise, and susceptibility to vitamin deficiency.

Click the link below to learn about our HIPAA protected DNA testing or e-mail with questions.

As a bonus, you won’t be left to navigate that 50 page report on your own. You will receive a free one hour health coaching session from us to make sense of your data and come up with a plan to implement what you have learned in order to reach optimal health. And there is more . . . You will receive a $100 bonus from the company we partner with to bring you this service.