3 Ways Breathing Leads to a Flatter Stomach

When women are fed up with their belly bulge (or mummy tummy), they start asking questions about nutrition and exercise. Should I do more crunches? (we answer that one here)Should I cut out carbs? (let’s not open that can of worms). 

But, for most women I talk to, they have tried all the things (cutting calories, exercising more, potions and lotions). Still, they aren’t seeing the results they desire around the middle.  Few actually believe me when I tell them that their breathing may be the missing piece of the picture. 

Although we do it all day every day, most of us don’t breathe correctly.  In fact, many of us barely breathe at all.  It may be enough to survive (the whole oxygen in and carbon dioxide out), but not in a way that brings health and vitality. 

Let’s explore 3 ways that breathing can improve your body and even flatten your stomach.

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