5 Hard Lessons I Learned About My Body This Year

How do you feel about the saying “knowledge is power”?

It’s true to some degree, but often too much knowledge leaves us powerless. We can gain knowledge from a google search, newspaper articles, Facebook posts, magazines, Pinterest, or even friends. But, when we are completely overloaded by information we just get stuck.

You can find content to support eating only plants or eating only meat, running everyday or only lifting weights, hitting the gym or staying home to meditate, and the list could go on. The “knowledge” contradicts itself and we either try everything – marking each off the list as “didn’t work for me” – or do nothing because we don’t know where to start.

So this year I decided to do something different. Instead of listening to the latest author of the New York Times Best Selling health and wellness book, I decided to listen to my body.

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