5 Strategies to Fight Brain Fog


Brain fog and fatigue is a complaint I hear nearly every day. It can range severity from annoying to frustrating to a very upsetting issue. Brain fog can be described as not being able to think clearly or not being able to remember things you normally would. It can also name recall or the ability to focus on work tasks.

 Brain fog could be a sign of a serious health issue, so it’s important to discuss your symptoms with your doctor. But, when medical issues are ruled out the symptoms are usually blamed on “just being a mom”, a stressful lifestyle, or “it’s a part of getting older”.

These factors play a role in brain fog, but they are not inevitable. We can take a natural and holistic approach to this health concern and use lifestyle, diet, and exercise modifications to bring the relief you seek.

Here are 5 Strategies to Consider to fight brain fog . . .

  1. Focus on Nutrition

    Poor diet can adversely affect the way your brain functions. Take a close look at your diet and try to minimize added sugars and unhealthy fats. It may also be important to eliminate alcohol and artificial sweeteners that affect your brain chemistry. Focus on eating more produce and a variety of healthy fats.

  2. Identify Food Sensitivities

    Some food allergies and sensitivities can also cause brain fog. For example, celiac disease, where the body can’t digest gluten, is often associated with brain fog. You can also have brain fog with lactose intolerance. Talk to your healthcare practitioner about any symptoms you are having. A Nutrition DNA Test can also give you a lot of insight into how your body responds to different types of foods based on your genetics.

  3. Manage Stress

    Think about how you react to stress, and you’ll notice that you may have difficulty thinking during highly stressful situations. Chronic stress has become an epidemic for many adults today. Coping mechanisms such as meditation, deep breathing, and other techniques can help you reduce your stress. Find ways to manage it at home and at work, so it doesn’t affect your brain.

  4. Improve Deep Sleep

    Sleep is also important to alleviate brain fog, because this is when your brain processes the days information and recovers. When you don’t get enough sleep, you may feel like you’re walking through a fog during the day. However, it’s not just getting enough sleep but also getting adequate restorative REM sleep. Without this, you’ll have trouble concentrating and thinking clearly. If you need assistance falling asleep, staying asleep, or improving REM sleep we use a product at night that does all three -> Sleep Strips.

  5. Get a Boost with Supplements

    Supplements such as omega-3s, B vitamins, and Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) are shown in research to help brain function. Of course we want to eat foods high in these nutrients, but sometimes we need an additional boost. Be sure to talk to your healthcare practitioner first. Some supplements can interfere with medical conditions or medications you take. To find out what supplements you may benefit from and are safe for your unique situation, take our Free Health Assessment (100% privacy protection of your health information).

Take home point -> Brain fog doesn’t have to control your life AND you don’t just have to learn to live with it. Discuss your concerns with a healthcare provider, try these simple remedies, and get the support you need to feel your best.

Through health coaching, we help people harness healing habits to turn around brain fog and fatigue through nutrition, movement, metabolism, and mindset. Set up a Free Discovery Visit to find out if this is the boost you need to get back to living your best life – just click the link below.