How to Heal Shin Splints

Shin splints, also known as tibial stress syndrome, are a common name for pain that affects the lower leg when it’s been subjected to too much pressure. We most often see this in runners and people new to a walking program. Whatever the cause, many cases respond well to at home treatments or heal quickly with minimal intervention.

Even better, you can usually prevent shin splints by adjusting your workout routine. However, completely ignoring the problem – or just hoping the discomfort will go away on it’s own – isn’t likely to work in this case.

So, it’s best to figure out what’s going on and do something to move your body toward recovery. If you didn’t catch our conversation about what shin splints are and how to prevent them, check out lasts weeks blog post . . . What Are Shin Splints and How to Prevent Them.

When persistent pain is getting in the way of your training, or walking, or just life, it’s time to be intentional about recovery.

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