Weight Loss Self-Reflection for Ultimate Success

Did you set a weight loss or body composition goal for 2019?

Did you reach your goal, abandon ship part way through, or are you steadily continuing on your journey?

Where ever you stand today, we know that you want ultimate, lasting success. And the best way to get there is to take time for some self-reflection.

I don’t often recommend people spend too much time looking in the rear view mirror. There is nothing we can change about the past, so I like to focus on what we can control – the future.

However, when you are on a fitness or weight loss journey, it is necessary if you want to see improvement and have success or the long haul. It provides affirmation of where you are and where you want to go, despite the roadblocks you may have experienced along the way. That’s part of the journey – we all waiver from the road we desire to follow and sometimes need guidance to get moving back in the right direction.

The beauty of reflection lies is not judging ourselves. Good or bad, it’s all about the process of moving forward and learning along the way. No beating yourself up for taking two steps forward and two steps back.

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