8 Ways to Avoid Holiday Weight Gain

The holidays and food go hand-in-hand. And it’s usually not the healthiest foods that are the star of the show.

We recovered from Thanksgiving, but Christmas or Hanukkah is right around the corner. Then just a week later with have New Year’s celebrations. And it’s not just the one day either. We have special work lunches, school parties, cocktail hours, open houses, cookie exchanges, and more. It’s not like a birthday or anniversary when you may choose to indulge for just one day. Both Christmas and New Year’s have Eve celebrations that are just as big as the main event.

In fact, studies show that 75% of a person’s annual weight gain happens in December. We have just a few weeks left to turn this ship around and make sure this isn’t us this year. None of us want to enter the New Year having to add losing that extra 10 pounds to the resolution list.

This doesn’t mean you have to miss out on all the fun. You can choose to enjoy the holidays and still eat responsibly. Here are my tips to help you do just that.

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