Friday Foodspiration: Zucchini “No Corn” Bread


Last week when I made chili I wanted something bready and a little bit sweet to go along with it. With corn on my list of inflammatory foods, I couldn’t go with the traditional cornbread.

There are many other reasons that people quit the cornbread . . . . maybe your body doesn’t respond well to carbohydrates, you are looking to add more healthy fats instead, grains in general give you trouble, or perhaps you don’t want to feed your family GMOs or the added sugars in many traditional store bought mixes and recipes.

Whatever your reason, this no corn bread with zucchini instead is a great alternative. Baking it in a cast iron skillet gives it more of a crusty outside while leaving the middle nice and fluffy. This is now one of my favorite gluten free bread recipes.

If you have no idea how your body responds to carbohydrates, fats, proteins, or dairy products, scroll to the bottom of the post to see how you can quit guessing and know what is best for your body.

Gluten Free. Grain Free. Sugar Free. Dairy Free (but butter can be substituted if dairy isn’t an issue)


  • 1 cup Coconut Flour

  • 1/4 cup Tapioca Starch

  • 1 tsp Baking Soda

  • 1/4 cup Golden Monkfruit (or natural sweetener of choice)

  • 1/2 tsp Sea Salt

  • 3 Eggs, at room temperature

  • 1/2 cup Unsweetened Almond Milk

  • 1/4 cup Miyokos Vegan Butter, melted (or real butter or ghee)

  • 1 cup Zucchini, shredded


  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees and grease a 10 inch cast iron skillet.*

  2. In a large mixing bowl, whisk together coconut flour, tapioca starch, baking soda, sweetener, and sea salt.

  3. In a small bowl, whisk together the eggs, almond milk, and butter substitute.

  4. Add wet ingredients to the dry ingredients and mix well.

  5. Fold in shredded zucchini and the spread into the skillet.

  6. Bake for 35-40 minutes* until the outside is golden and a toothpick comes out clean from the center.

  7. Cool for 30 minutes before slicing to serve.

*If you have an 8 inch skillet the cornbread will come out thicker but will need to be cooked for about 5 additional minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean from the center.

Want to know how your body responds to carbohydrates, fats, proteins, or dairy? Wondering how susceptible your body is to inflammation?

You can get the answers to these questions and more with nutrition and fitness DNA testing. With an simple cheek swab, sent away to our partner lab, you can get a nearly 50 page report telling you based on genetics how your body responds to these things.

In addition, you will learn things about how your body will respond in terms of weight loss, recovery, different types of exercise, and susceptibility to vitamin deficiency.

Click the link below to learn about our HIPAA protected DNA testing or e-mail with questions. As a bonus, you won’t be left to navigate that 50 page report on your own. You will receive a free one hour health coaching session from us to make sense of your data and come up with a plan to implement what you have learned in order to reach optimal health. And there is more . . . You will receive a $100 bonus from the company we partner with to bring you this service.