7 Ways to Make Your New Home Office Healthier and More Productive

Many people have suddenly found themselves working remotely, doing their part to flatten the curve and reduce the impact of COVID-19 on our healthcare system. This new work environment might seem like a good thing – work in pj pants and lunch on the couch – but it has presented many more challenges than most of us had anticipated.

The reality of working from home brings up issues of childcare, interrupted concentration, the dog that thinks your home to play with him, and our biggest concern for you . . . a make shift work station.

Your desk at the office might be set up with a standing desk, adjustable chair, two large screens, and headset telephone. Unfortunately, most Americans are finding themselves sitting their 8 hours in a hard kitchen chair hunched over a laptop for the foreseeable future.

Most of us just don’t have a good working environment at home. The desk is covered with bills , we’re using the spare dining room chair, or end up on the couch.

Some of these issues are actually unhealthy and really bad for our bodies. Fortunately, there are many things you can do to make your home office healthier and more productive:

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