Could Collagen Really Help Me Feel Younger?

Collagen is present throughout the human body. It is the protein that makes up our muscles, tendons, ligaments, bones, and skin. In fact, it can make up nearly 95% of the cartilage in our joints.

The problem is, that starting in our 30’s our bodies become less able to generate and replace collagen. So, it’s no wonder we start experiencing joint discomfort that affects our ability to run, hike, or chase little ones at the park. .

The cellular make up of collagen is strong and can resist stretching and pulling forces without breaking. Meaning, that when we have less of it our body is more prone to muscle pulls, tendon tears, and bones breaking. But, just because it’s a normal sign of aging doesn’t mean these outcomes are inevitable.

If there was a way to get more collagen instead of less as we age, then it seems we would be able to avoid these problems. We would have fewer aches & pains, less injuries, better strength, and even smoother skin. And the result . . . we would feel younger!

Maybe you have heard of collagen supplements or passed them on the shelf of Costco, but wonder . . .

Can consuming collagen really help increase the amount of collagen in my body?

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