Friday Foodspiration: Almond {Joint Protecting} Cookies

How can a cookie protect or repair your joints?

With collagen!

This is because break down of cartilage and bone result in joint damage and pain. Unfortunately, as we get older, we stop producing collagen as rapidly. The result is a lose of cartilage and bone density. We can also end up with wrinkles and sagging skin on top of that joint stiffness.

Collagen protein supplements have been found in studies to improve joint health and you can learn more about that how to choose the right collagen for your desired outcome in a previous blog post – “Could Collagen Really Help Me Feel Younger?”

I will toss a scoop of collagen into almost these days – oatmeal, smoothies, yogurt, and just about any baked good. My kids don’t know it’s in there and I am happy that they are enjoying a health boost along with their cookies. And the recipe is so simple that my kids can even make them!

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