How to Keep Your Joints Lubricated & Move with Ease

Have you ever joked about squirting some WD-40 into your creaky knee or stiff hip?

There is actually some truth to it though, because our joints are like hinges.

In a door frame, the hinge attaches the swinging door to the frame and allows it to open and close with ease. If the hinge gets rusty or starts to wear down, the door will creak, scratch, get stuck, or even jammed.

Over time, your joints can experience wear and tear that results in dis-ease of movement. Our knees can start making funny noises when we go up the stairs, we can have trouble straightening our hips after sitting for a long time, or not be able to quite reach up as high as we used to because of pain in our shoulder joint.

When our joints feel like rusty hinges we start to do less and as we do less, the “rust” and stiffness just gets worse. Then, the less we can do because of pain and the cycle continues.

How do we break the cycle of “rusty” joints and continue to move with ease?

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