10 Best Foods For Rapid Muscle Recovery

A little soreness with a workout is bearable. . . maybe even pleasant if it’s a reminder of how hard you worked the day before. However, some aches and pains are more intense or don’t seem to go away quickly enough. This can limit both your ability and motivation to train.

Many clients tell us they don’t take pain medication because of the side effects, they don’t have time for a massage, and the ice bath the trainer recommended is just unbearable. So, the question that follows is . . . how else can I speed up muscle recovery after a workout and get on with my life?

The answer may be found in your refrigerator . . . the foods you eat build you up or break you down.

This is not just post workout, but how you fuel your body on a regular basis. Your muscles and immune system must be ready to take the hit of training and bounce back with ease.

Here are the top 10 foods I recommend as a Physical Therapist & Nutrition Specialist for rapid muscle recovery:

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