How to Keep Your Family Moving During the Cold Winter Months

Do you find yourself or your family spending a lot more time on the sofa or in front of a screen during the winter months?

It is normal for all of us to want to hibernate and stay cozy when it’s cold outside, but we can’t forget to balance this with intentional movement.

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recommends that kids ages 6-17 get at least 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous activity at least three times a week. For optimal physical, mental, and emotional health we shoot for 6 days (there is always that one “off” day where we need to give some grace).

This can be easy when the sun is shining and kids are playing in the neighborhood, when spring sports start up, pools are open, and even when there are fall leaves to jump in.

But, the recommendation for activity and opportunity to remain strong and healthy does not changes with the weather. The even larger problem we face this year is that our go to indoor winter activities like indoor playgrounds, trampoline parks, and bowling aren’t as accessible due to social distancing.

With the winter-like weather in full swing, now is the time to arm your family with some strategies to get and keep them moving! Here are some ideas we share with our clients and families in our to help them beat the winter exercise blues:

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