Top 5 Nutritional Strategies to Reduce Joint Pain

We often get questions about the best medication to take for joint pain or arthritis. Usually, they already tried over the counter Tylenol or Ibuprofen. Often times, a doctor even prescribed an anti-inflammatory pain medication to address the symptoms.

Friends, family, and clients want to know about the side effects. Heart, liver, kidney disease caused by use or overuse of these medications. How about interactions with other prescription drugs?

So, what’s my answer?

Well, our goal at Peak Potential Physiotherapy & Wellness is to:

“Empower our local community to transform their lives, stay independent,

& active without MEDICATIONS, injections, or surgery.”

Alongside our treatment plans, I urge you to look into nutritional strategies that are going to naturally, decrease inflammation in your joints. And when I started to dig into the research, I was surprised to see strong scientific studies and validated literature about this.

I always knew nutrition was important to how our bodies worked. I never realized how powerful food can be. Especially in regards to prevention of, as well as healing pain.

When you have arthritis or joint pain, your body is in a state of inflammation. Therefore, the focus needs to be on adding food that reduces inflammation and cutting out foods that increase inflammation in the body.

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