7 Ways to Support Your Daughter to Achieve in Athletics and Beyond

A recent Gallup poll provides exciting news for female student athletes and their parents. Researchers found that former female athletes outperformed other college graduates on important career and life outcomes long after their playing days were over.

In fact, girls who played sports enjoyed even greater returns on their efforts than their male counterparts. Beyond the field or court, they experienced greater success in the workplace with higher employment rates and engagement in their work. They even were found to remain more physically healthy, document higher energy levels, and report having stronger relationships.

The root cause of much of this success likely comes from confidence and self-esteem. Many studies, in addition to this Gallop poll, found these traits to be higher in female student athletes compared to their peers. These attributes in general provide the framework for a more satisfying life.

On the other hand, female athletes carry an increased risk for some negative side effects. The rate is higher in female compared to male athletes, and these ladies compared to their peers when it comes to injury, burnout, nutritional deficiency and more.

I know as a parent I want all those positive things we discussed, but I also want to mitigate any of those negative consequences. We can help our daughters stay balanced along the way by supporting them in performing at their best in their sport, achieving in academics, and living a full happy life.

So, what is our role as parents in supporting our young athletes in reaching their full potential?

Take a look at 7 effective strategies for enhancing their performance in athletics and beyond!

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