How to Live Without Pain or Fatigue by Improving Gut Health

Except when hit by a stomach bug growing up, most of us took our digestive system for granted. We could eat whatever we wanted and things moved along without much thought. Are you lucky enough that this is still the case for you?

Or are you like most of Americans who experience frequent digestive health concerns? Bloating, constipation, diarrhea, food intolerances, and nutrient deficiencies because we aren’t absorbing food the way we should are all very common.

How about fatigue, hormone imbalance, or sleep disturbances . . . did you know those are all affected by the gut too?

Last week we talked about 10 frustrating symptoms that could be a sign of poor gut health. You can find that information HERE, so we won’t go into any more details about these complaints that we hear so often from clients and friends.

This week, let’s dive into what to do about it., because especially for our clients hitting mid life, these issues are seriously disrupting their life. Are they surviving? Of course. Most of them don’t even mention these symptoms to their doctor.

But, are they thriving? Enjoying vibrant energy, balanced moods, stellar exercise performance, and feel confident that they are aging well? These are the areas that many feel they are lacking.

In each of these areas, we can identify gut health as a root cause, because the gut is the gateway through which all nutrients reach the many cells or our body.

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