3 Healthy Back to School Breakfast Ideas for Your Busiest Morning

The days are starting to get shorter make me want to stay in bed “just a few more minutes”.

The problem is, I’m not willing to rush out the door handing my kids a packaged snack and call it breakfast. I truly believe that the food we eat at the start of the day sets the tone in terms of energy and food choices for the rest of our day.

What if I told you there was a way to fit a delicious breakfast in each morning that requires little time and effort, no matter how rushed you feel? What if all you needed was a blender and microwave to cook up autumn favorite flavors . . . Apples, oats, pumpkin, and cinnamon.

It is possible! In fact, in just minutes if you prepare a bit the night before. And it’s why I want to share with you 3 simple, healthy, and tasty breakfast recipes made with only a handful of ingredients for your busiest mornings.

And I can bet that these no-fuss recipes will not only save you time and energy in the morning but will keep your family energized at work and school through the day.

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