Are you going to be able to keep up with them?
Is this the question you are asking yourself after last week’s post?
Read on. . . . we can help!
But first let’s review the problem. . . .
As of 2015, all baby boomers were over the age of 50. Each year, 2.5 million of these
boomers go to the emergency room with symptoms and injuries related to overuse of joints,
muscles, and tendon from improper exercising. In fact, musculoskeletal injuries are the
number one reason for seeking medical care across all demographics in the U.S. according to
the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
This is costing you a lot of money. . .
The out of pocket health care expense to treat these injuries for an insured individual
averages $5000 per year. This includes diagnostic testing, specialty physicians, prescription
medication, and can be even greater with surgical procedures.
Common injuries such as back pain, tendinitis, broken bones, frozen shower, and meniscus
tears are not an inevitable result of aging. A physical therapist can save you both time and
money by preventing both acute injury and chronic conditions. First, there are a few
alterations you can make to your own program of physical activity to prevent overuse injury
and stay fit after 50.
Here are three steps to fight Boomeritis on your own:
- Perform a warm up and dynamic stretching before physical activity.
- Alternate between both cardiovascular and resistance training at least 3 days a week.
- Find your weak links and vulnerabilities to address them before a problem arises.
Be wary of “cookbook” works outs. An effective plan requires customization tailored to your
individual strengths and goals. In addition, a successful program will need to identify the
“weak Links” in your body’s framework. If you do want a DIY (do it yourself) fix, cross
training is your best option. This way you will change activities and subsequent stress on
your body throughout the week.
Last but not least, throw out the old adage “No pain, No gain”. Pain is a trigger and it is not
normal at any age. When pain, restriction, and limitations make it difficult to manage your
“Boomeritis” on your own, it is time to seek professional help. As experts in motion and
mobility, a physical therapist can develop a plan to turn midlife into the fittest time of your life.
Schedule a call with one of our physical therapists to get your questions answered today.
Click here: Request a Call to take that first step!
Consumer Product Safety Commission of the United States of America “Baby Boomer Sports Injuries” April 2000 (