Were you a high school or college athlete?
Did you lift heavy and run fast without
thinking twice about it?
I bet you could even pull all nighters, and
live on takeout food without much effect
on your performance.
Now, fast forward a decade (or a few). . .
Do you have any energy left after work?
Can you keep up with your kids?
Are you still a weekend warrior?
One young mom expressed to me recently,
“I couldn’t believe how fast I had lost
something that was such a big part of me
when I was younger”.
Even if you don’t want to compete again
in a specific sport. . .
Do you desire to look, feel, or perform like
an athlete again?
Even if you were never an athlete (or even
coordinated enough to try). . . .
power, agility, stamina, energy, and speed
are attributes that will serve you well in
remaining active and independent.
Here are some tips to rebuilding your
1. Start with a Plan
A list of goals and definitive plan to get
there is the first step to success. Â If you
don’t know where you are going, you will
have great difficulty getting there.
Keep in mind, fitness comes in all shapes,
sizes, ages, and abilities.  Therefore, the plan
your friend is  following may not be the
perfect one for you.  A challenging, but
achievable plan will keep you positively
moving toward self-improvement.
2. Stay Consistent
Consistency is key to any transformation.
Find an activity. . . home program, group
class, dance lessons, indoor pool, or
individualized training that you will enjoy
No matter what obstacle gets in  your way. . .
Just Keep Moving!
3. Track Your Progress
What we measure, will improve. Â Keep a log
or chart to show your progress.  Frequently
look back on how far you have come.  Do not
focus on how far you have to go or on the
progress of others.
4. Eat Like and Athlete
Fuel your body like an athlete. Â Start by
making simple trade offs from processed
foods to whole foods. Â Fill up on fruits,
vegetables, and protein first and you won’t
have as much room for the other stuff.
5. Get More Sleep
Sleep gives you energy, regulates your
metabolism, repairs muscle, and boosts
your athletic performance.  Aiming for 7-8
hours of sleep a night will help you be
healthier, fitter, and happier overall.
6. Celebrate Success
Proudly own and celebrate every
achievement. Â Make a big deal, and share
with others, even the smallest of steps
Finally, take control of your mind. Â Fill it
with thoughts of success. Â Tell yourself
“I can do this” and your body will respond.
Still feeling stuck? Â Let us help you get
started in the right direction with a free
wellness consultation.
E-mail amanda@peakpotentialpt.com
for more information.