How a Few Lifestyle Changes Can Ease Shoulder Pain


It can sometimes be hard to see what you are doing wrong in your lifestyle because, well . . . it’s your lifestyle.

Your daily routine is so well known to you that it can become second nature. We don’t consider how it might be contributing to the aches and pains that are creeping up on you.

This is often true of shoulder pain, because we use and even abuse our shoulders every single day.  The simple tasks you do or healthy habits you aren’t doing could be making your shoulder pain worse.

Could movements that are part of your every day routine cause unnecessary strain on your shoulders? Could this be leaving you in pain the next day?

Here are a few lifestyle tweaks that you will find a great benefit to easing shoulder pain in your day-to-day routine…


 1. Stretch in the Morning

Most people jump out of bed and start the day running. . . there is always so much on the to do list.  We don’t often consider that we have spent the last 8 hours in one position. This is often laying on one shoulder or with an arm tucked under our head.

Your shoulder joint may not be quite ready to work when that alarm goes off.  A few stretches for the neck, shoulders, and upper back can wake up the muscles and loosen the joints. This is important before you load them up with a heavy brief case, toting a toddler, or tension from traffic.


 2. Sit up and Take Note of Your Posture

When you sit in the car or at your desk, is your back hunched over, your shoulders slightly raised, and your neck reaching forward? The strain this position puts on all your upper body muscles can cause chronic aches, pains, and stiffness.  So how should you be sitting?

Your spine should be straight, with your shoulders and arms relaxed on the desk. Your head should be positioned straight up as if a piece of string were attached to the crown of your head holding you up.  This is especially important when looking at a tablet or cell phone that we tend to hold down instead of up at eye level.


 3. Get up and Move Often

Static sitting or even staying in one place at a standing desk can increase muscle tension and stiffness in the shoulders.   Take time to move around just to get your blood pumping and fluid flowing to your muscles and joints.

Ideally, take a break and walk through the office letting your arms hang down and swing freely. In addition, incorporating some shoulder, upper back, and neck stretching during your work day will significantly improve the joint discomfort you feel in the evenings and even the next morning.


What we pay attention to we can make changes to.

The best thing you can do for your shoulder pain is to think about it throughout the day.

When does it seem to start up?  When you are carrying shopping bags?  When you are sitting at work or while you exercise?

If you have an idea of when it occurs, then you can focus on making sure your posture is ideal during these times.  During specific pain provoking tasks, take frequent breaks or make modifications. For example, if carrying bags is a problem, try pushing a cart or alternating arms.

If exercise or a specific job related task is the problem, you make need some specific advice on correct technique in performing these activities to prevent injury.  If you have these specific questions, fill out an inquiry form and we may be able to sort it out for you during a short FREE, no obligation phone consultation.  Just fill out this quick form HERE so we can help you get this sorted out!


Top 10 Ways to Keep Collierville Kids Active Over the Summer


We are a few weeks into summer vacation here in Tennessee.  Many of us are starting to worry about the amount of time our kids are spending inside, on the couch, in front of the TV, or on other electronic devices.

Can you relate?


My goal is to have my children’s summer filled with physical activities.  According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, children need 60 minutes of physical activity each day. Unfortunately, without the structure and resources that the school year offers, many children are at risk for unhealthy habits and even weight gain during the summer months.

There are many options to keep your kids happy, healthy, and moving through the summer in and around Memphis and Collierville.

Here are some ways to make movement fun:


 1. Frequent Park Visits

Parks and playgrounds should be frequent stops. Johnson Road Park has an 18 hole Disc Golf course that will quickly add up to 60 minutes of physical activities.

2. Memphis Botanic Gardens

The Big Backyard and a walk through the gardens is a beautiful way to stay active.  Plan your trip around Adventure Friday’s (10am-12pm) for even more fun with your little ones!

 3. Dance Parties

Make time for a nightly dance party at home.  For kids 8 and over take advantage of Dance Fit.  This is a free event on Monday evenings at Baptist Memorial Women’s Hospital that introduces kids to Zumba, Line Dancing, Hip Hop, and more.

 4. Attend Free Concert Events

Take the entire family to the Collierville Square for the summer concert series Thursday evenings at 7pm.  Your kids won’t be able to help but run around the gazebo and dance to the music. Do you live closer to Germantown? Bobby Lanier Farm Park has music and activities for kids on Thursday evenings as well (4pm-7:30pm)

5. Take a Family Hike

Shelby Farms offers many opportunities to walk and hike. Kids of all ages will enjoy a hike around the forest and lakes at Lichterman Nature Center. Be sure to buy some food in the visitors center to feed the fish and turtles!

  6. Enjoy the Spray Park or Sprinklers

Several area spray parks are perfect for preschool and school age children.  Alternatively, have the neighborhood kids over to run through the sprinkler or have a water balloon battle.  This is the perfect option for the hot and humid Memphis days!

 7. Do Home Improvement Projects

You and your kids can paint a bedroom wall, re-purpose some old furniture, or organize the garage.  A summer garden project takes lots of energy and builds muscle as your kids rake, weed, and even haul rocks!


8. Do Chores Together

Dust, sweep, and wipe off tables.  Even the smallest of children can participate in some form of family chores.  Our favorite is washing cars, bikes, and outdoor toys. Not only will you stay active, your kids will feel grown up and responsible members of the family.

 9. Visit Local Museums

On a rainy day, visit The Pink Palace or a local art museum.  A few hours walking through a museum keep minds and bodies active.  Did you sign up for the free Pink Palace Summer Membership this year?  If not, don’t miss it next summer as if offer free admission to several area museums while kids are out of school.


 10. Volunteer together

Help your kids sign up to volunteer at the local theater, community center, or retirement home.  Go together to a soup kitchen or volunteer through church events.  Smaller organizations may be more open to allowing kids to help.  A favorite of ours, Merge Memphis, has many opportunities throughout the city to serve food and stock pantries.


Why does movement matter?


It’s important for all young people to keep active and maintain healthy habits while school is out.  Regular structured exercise or free play provides benefits including strong muscles and bones, better sleep, improved mood, and better behavior.  In addition, healthy active kids are more likely to be academically motivated, alert, and successful in all areas of their life.

Active kids have bodies that can do for them all the things they want and need them to do. This is of course true for adults as well.  If you are having trouble keeping up with your kids this summer, let us help you get back on track.

Whether it’s physical therapy, personal training, movement screens, nutrition, or wellness coaching we can help you reach your goals and enjoy this summer with your kids in an active and healthy way! Click HERE to request a call from one of our healthcare professionals today!


Friday Foodspiration: Mango Quinoa Chicken Salad











1 lb Chicken Breast, skinless boneless and cut into cubes

2 tbs Olive Oil

1 cloves, Garlic, diced

1/2 tsp Smoked Paprika

1/2 tsp Salt

1/4 tsp Pepper

2 cups Cooked Quinoa

1 Avocado, chopped

1 Mango, cubed

1/4 cup Orange or Mango Juice

1/2 cup Cilantro, chopped

2 tbs Lime Juice

2 tbs Olive Oil

1 tbs Raw Honey



  1. Cook quinoa according to package directions then set aside to cool.
  2. Heat olive oil in large skillet.  Add garlic and chicken allowing it to coat with oil then sprinkle with paprika, salt, and pepper.
  3. Stir and cook until chicken is done about 8 minutes. Then combine in a bowl with quinoa, avocado, and mango.
  4. Make the dressing by whisking the remaining ingredients together.  Pour over the salad and toss to coat.

*You can serve this immediately, but flavors are more amazing after being refrigerated overnight.  Leftovers will keep 4-5 days.

**This can be a super quick weeknight meal if you use leftover chicken and quinoa from another meal.

Keep Up With Exercise Even With Arthritis



From our clients age 50+, arthritis is the first complaint we always hear.

Many have self diagnose their aches and pains as they seem to be creeping up with each passing year.  Others are told by their doctor, even identified by an X-ray or MRI, that age related arthritis is the cause of their complaints.

Most walk through the door with a very similar story:

  • Aching in joints that is getting worse over time
  • Pain that comes on for no apparent reason
  • Feeling they have no control over their symptoms
  • They rest when the pain “acts up”
  • Frequently take pain killers to be remain active
  • They believe they need to avoid exercise
  • A doctor told them exercise will make arthritis worse
  • Fearing they will lose their independence due to arthritis

Does this sound like you?

If so, please read on! This information could completely change how active you are today and how independent you remain as the years progress.


What exactly is arthritis?

In this case we are referring to osteoarthritis.  This is a condition where the cartilage surface in the joint wears down gradually over time.  This is different from rheumatoid arthritis, which is caused by an autoimmune disease.

The cartilage in a joint acts to absorb shock and avoid friction between the bones.  An important fact about cartilage is that it does not have blood supply.  Therefore, it can not heal itself when damaged like other tissue in your body can.

You can not actually make changes to the cartilage. However, you can slow down the degeneration and improve the mobility and pain in your joints.

The secret. . . EXERCISE!


Exercise helps improve your arthritis symptoms in the following ways:

  1. Maintains Movement – Exercise increases synovial fluid in the joint that lubricates and nourishes it.
  2. Improves Strength – The stronger the muscles are around the joint the more stable it will be.  A stable joint with break down less rapidly.
  3. Maintains Weight – By keeping a healthy weight and body composition through exercise you can reduce strain on your joints.


So, don’t throw your hands up and admit defeat when it comes to osteoarthritis.  Luckily, there is plenty you can do to ensure you are able to keep your joints in their best condition possible. In addition, you can continue to do the things you enjoy doing for the longest time possible.


What should I do if exercise is just too painful?

If you find exercise causes an increase in your pain symptoms, discuss your concerns with a physical therapist TODAY! It may be that you are doing the wrong exercises, doing the right exercises in the wrong way, or there is more going on beyond the arthritis.

Often times, we find that clients are experiencing joint movement limitations, excessive scar tissue build up, or muscle imbalances (some muscles too tight and some muscles too weak).

These issues can be resolved through manual physical therapy.  Subsequently, exercise can be performed without the severe pain many experience at the start.  With a individualized pain free exercise program, you can begin to minimize the effects of arthritis without making your symptoms worse.

For more information about a particular joint and what you can do to address your pain and stiffness at home, head over to our website where you can download a free report addressing your specific needs.

Can’t find the information you are looking for?  Request a call from a physical therapist TODAY!

Why Pain Killers Won’t Kill Your Pain

pot of yellow and blue capsule pills


I’m hurting and just want to make it through the day with as little pain as possible!

When you just want to manage to keep your job and have a little bit leftover for a normal home life. . . pain medication appears to be the best quick fix.

We just have to understand that this is temporary relief. . . a band aid. Neither over the counter or prescription drugs actually fix the underlying issue.  There is a bigger problem going on and medication can often create new problems.

The cause of pain may be a traumatic injury, overuse of a muscle or joint, poor posture, obesity, congenital conditions, tissue break down due to age, inflammation, nerve damage, or disease. This cause must be addressed so we can improve both movement and function, NOT just the sensation of pain.

For example, let’s say you have a flat tire. The cause is a nail that you drove over in a parking lot.  You could stop at every gas station and fill it with more air so you could keep driving.  However, until you remove the nail and patch the hole, you’ll never fix the real issue of why your tire is losing air.


“But I only take over the counter medication?”


Medications are only masking the sensation of pain, but also heaping on other negative side effects:

  • depression and anxiety
  • dizziness and drowsiness
  • heart problems
  • osteoporosis
  • liver damage
  • stomach ulcers
  • kidney problems
  • chronic digestive issues
  • and the list could go on and on

Many of these side effects even come along with the seemingly harmless over the counter medications. When we can pick them up off the shelf without a prescription, we assume they are safe.  The Federal Drug Administration has emphasized lately that they are not as safe as we think.

The over the counter medications most used by our clients are NSAIDS.  In fact they are used daily by millions of Americans.  These drugs include Advil, Motrin, Ibuprofen, and Aleve.

They can be safe and effective for reducing pain and inflammation, but do not come without risk and must be used appropriately . . .meaning taking the lowest effective dose for the shortness period of time required for relief of your symptoms.


“Can I get addicted to drugs for pain?”


Yes! There is a lot of talk in the media about our countries opioid epidemic.  The biggest concern is addiction and abuse of these medication.  The other issue is that these medication decrease our ability to tolerate pain and increase our sensitivity to pain, which is actually worsening our problem over time.

There are of course cases when pain medication is necessary and appropriate.  At this time the Centers for Disease Control states opioids are recommended for situations of cancer treatment, end of life care, and certain acute cases under closely monitored dosages.  In other cases, the CDC recommends other non-pharmaceutical approaches to pain management.


“So, what should I do instead?”


To solve this pain epidemic, we need to truly identify the source of the problem.  We can then implement a solution to influence and eliminate it.

Instead of just asking “how much pain are you having?”  we need to ask better questions.  Are you moving better? Are you able to work? Do you sleep well? Are you able to enjoy the time you spend with your family?

The newest guidelines published by the Centers for Disease Control recommends the following interventions to address the root cause of pain symptoms:

  • exercise and movement practices
  • nutritional and lifestyle changes
  • manual physical therapy
  • cognitive behavioral interventions in cases of chronic pain

It’s when we address the problem NOT the symptom of pain that we can reset your brain and body for a pain free life. . . not just a pain free 6-8 hours!

If you are experiencing pain (or managing to by pain free only with medication) head over to our website where you can download FREE Guides we have written for our clients.  They address the root cause and treatments you can try for yourself at home to address the problem.

Start TODAY to treat the source of your pain instead of masking it with medication!

Why Women Should Take Up Golf to Improve Their Wellness









Golf is a unique sport in that it can be played by everyone.

Regardless of age, gender, or ability you can get out on the

course and enjoy the game.  In addition, it is one of the few

sports in which men and women can complete alongside

one another.


However, according to the National Golf Foundation less

than 20% of golfers are female.  This is unfortunate,

because as well as being a fun way to spend a few hours

with friends, it is a great way for women to stay fit and

healthy.  Here’s why. . .


Golf is great exercise.


If you walk the course, you will easily accumulate the

10,000 steps that we are supposed to walk every day for

physical well-being.  You don’t even have to work up a

sweat to burn off at least 500 calories (about the same as

your hour of Zumba).  If you carry your clubs, you will burn

even more calories and improve your upper body strength.


Golf contributes to better mental health.


The physical and mental aspects of golf can help reduce the

risk of anxiety and depression. A game of golf releases

mood enhancing endorphins that combine with the benefits

of being outdoors (more vitamin D) to lift your spirits.


Improved blood flow to the brain, as well as the

concentration required, could even fight dementia.  Just be

sure you allow the game to be a time to relax and reduce

stress, NOT add to it.


Golf maintains an active and independent lifestyle. 


Typically, women take up golf later in life than men.  This is

great new, because the physical benefits of playing golf

actually increase as you age.  Your balance and muscle

endurance are improved by swinging the club and walking

the course.


This keeps you going for longer, with balance and grace,

which prevents falls. In addition, studies have found golf

can help women prevent and treat more than 40 chronic

diseases such as heart attack, stroke, diabetes, and certain



Golf helps you live longer.


There is evidence from a Swedish Medical University study

that golfers live longer.  Factors contributing to this include

lower cholesterol levels, healthy body weight, and overall

improved wellness.


The death rate of golfers was found to be 40 percent lower

than for other people of the same sex, age, and

socioeconomic status.  This corresponds to a 5 year increase

in life expectancy.


Still not convinced? If you are a woman and think golf is

only for your dad or husband, here are some additional

reasons you may want to rethink that:

  • The sport requires finesse instead of brute strength
  • It’s a great excuse to spend an afternoon with friends
  • It’s played in the most beautiful places on earth
  • There are cocktails at the end of the game
  • It’s an excuse to buy new clothes


The biggest barriers to women taking up golf is time and

money.  However, with research backing the benefits it

may be a small price to pay for health and independence,

especially as women age and tend to shy away from higher

impact sports they previously participated in.  Think of golf

as an investment in your wellness!


Pass this onto a girlfriend who would be a fun golf partner.

For more information on  living a long, active, independent

life head over to our Facebook page (and share our page

with your girlfriends too).

Strategies Top Golfers Use to Improve Their Game And Reduce Injury

All the golfers I know, want to continue playing for decades more.  It’s an outlet for stress, the opportunity for community, and mini get away from real life. So how do we ensure that pain doesn’t limit movement that effects your ability to play golf in the future. . . and even improve your game TODAY?

Here are some powerful strategies that will help you hit your golf ball farther, straighter, consistently and with decreased risk of injury.

Continue reading

Friday Foodspiration: Roasted Red Pepper and Tomato Soup

Creamy Roasted Red Pepper & Tomato Soup
FullSizeRender (28)











This bright red soup is full of disease fighting

antioxidants.  According to the Mayo Clinic, red

vegetables, like tomatoes and bell peppers, may

help reduce the risk of diabetes, osteoporosis, and

heart disease.


Make a big pot of this soup and freeze some for a

rainy day!




2 cloves Garlic, minced

1 medium Onion, minced

2 tbs Olive Oil

4 Red Bell Peppers, roasted and diced

1-28oz can Roasted Diced Tomatoes

4 cups Bone Broth

2 tsp Basil, dried

1 tsp Smoked Paprika

2 tsp Turmeric, powder

1/2 tsp Salt

1/2 tsp Black Pepper, freshly ground




1. Place the oil in a large pot, add onion and garlic.

Saute over medium heat until tender.

2. Add the remaining ingredients to the pot, stirring

well to combine, and simmer for 20 minutes.

3. Blend the soup with an immersion blender until

creamy and pureed.

4. Add additional salt and pepper to taste if needed.

Serve with fresh herbs and/or top with cheese of

your choice.  My favorite flavor combination is basil

and goat cheese.


*Roast your own peppers face down on a baking

sheet. Broil until skin is black and then place in a

sealed container allowing the peppers to steam and

cool before using. Alternately, buy a large jar of

roasted red peppers and save some time.

5 Beautiful Places To Walk Near Collierville This Spring








You can’t beat the feeling that Spring puts in the air.

It’s my favorite time of the year!


The best part is a spring walk.  There is warmth in the

air, sun shining, and plenty of color replacing the grays

and browns of winter.


Most everyone has their favorite neighborhood or

park to walk, but sometimes it’s fun to explore

somewhere different.


So I’ve decided to share with you 5 beautiful places

to walk this Spring in Collierville, which have

features than come alive in Spring.


Whether if be woodlands, wildflowers, sidewalks, or

waterside. . .  There’s a walk to suit every mood.


 1. Peterson Lake nature Center


Peterson Lake Nature Park accesses Wolf River and

the surrounding hardwood forest.  Walk the boardwalk

and trail system that winds it’s way through over 3

miles of the wetland zone.


This is the best walk if you hope to see deer or other

wildlife from designated observation stations.  You can

also download a field guide to identify plants and trees


2. Hinton Park Trail


You can find Hinton Park at 10524 East Holmes Road.

It has new beautiful facilities, playgrounds and trails.


Follow the walking track that circles a quiet pond.

Enjoy features include giant oaks, vast open spaces,

and wildflower meadows.


3. Nonconnah Trail


The Nonconnah Trail, running 1.6 miles from Schilling

Farms Middle School to Houston Levee Road, is part

of the Collierville Greenbelt System.  These trails are

designed to enhance the natural beauty of the town

and this trail runs along the Nonconnah Creek.


You will see natural vegetation and protected wildlife

habitats. This trail serves as a short step away from

the hustle and bustle of neighborhoods, schools, and



4. Collierville Town Square


If you prefer to take in history and architecture on

your walk, take a stroll through the Historic Town

Square District. It features turn of the century

walkways, bandstand, log cabin, and train cars.


Spring on the square is sensational with the azaleas

and dogwoods in bloom. Pedestrian friendly streets

and brick walkways allow you to access charming

antique and specialty shops on your outing.


5. Carriage Crossing


Is nature and history not your thing?  Take a brisk

walk through Collierville’s open air retail center at

Carriage Crossing.


This 800,000 sf lifestyle center provides over 75

shops, many dining options, benches to rest, a

fountain, and sculptures to enjoy. Speakers along the

sidewalk allow you to enjoy some music as you walk.


So, there you have it! 5 different places to walk

in Collierville. . .one may just become your new



Get outside as much as you can this Spring! Walking

is a great way to keep active and mobile – it doesn’t

have to be a hard hike. Enjoy a gentle stroll, and all

our community has to offer.


And if you take any pictures while you’re out and

about, be sure to share them with us over on

Facebook – we’d love to feature them on our page.


For ideas on how to live a more active and healthy

lifestyle, click here to Like and follow our Facebook

page – where we post all our good stuff. You’ll

discover plenty of tips to help you build healthy

habits, you can actually stick to, with ease!

5 Steps to Natural Recovery of a Rotator cuff Injury

Woman with pain in shoulder. Pain in the human body on a gray background with red dot

A painful shoulder can cause simple daily

activities such as taking a shower, getting dressed,

cooking a meal, or even sleeping to become difficult

and frustrating.  We often don’t realize how much

we use our shoulder – reaching, pulling, lifting –

until we can’t.


In fact, you can move the shoulder joint in more

ways than any other joint in your body.  This large

amount of movement also means it’s not very

stable (we sacrifice stability when we gain mobility

and vice versa).  Because of this, it’s easy for your

shoulder to go into positions that can cause stress

on the muscles around it.


The muscles that support the shoulder are called

the rotator cuff muscles . . . actually four

muscles that connect the shoulder blade to the

upper arm.



The constant, repetitive, and exaggerated

movements of the shoulder over time cause these

muscles to become injured, tight, and often catch

on bone.  Injury to these muscles are one of the

most common injuries we see here in the clinic.


Many of these clients head to the doctor with

shoulder pain and are given one of three options:

pain medication, injection, or surgery.


We often hear of people living on pain medication

in order to make it through a day work day or

workout.  They are concerned, because over time

this could negatively affect their overall health.


If avoiding medication, you may be offered a local

anesthetic or cortisone injection that will likely

provide immediate relief.  However, this is only

temporary.  It only masks the problem if

nothing more is done.


If a rotator cuff muscle is actually torn, you may

be told your shoulder pain can only be fixed by

surgery.  But, I wouldn’t immediately book the

operating room.


It’s been reported that approximately 50% of

patients with rotator cuff tears are relieved of

pain and regain use of their shoulder through

non-surgical methods of treatment.


Opting out of surgery does not mean letting the

pain go away on it’s own.  If you have had pain in

your shoulder for more than 2 weeks, it’s not

likely to disappear.


It’s going to require some work . . . but it will be

worth it!


Here are 5 first steps to natural rotator

cuff recovery:


1. Initially avoid overhead activities


Overhead activities place the shoulder in its most

vulnerable position.  The muscles around the

shoulder tighten up to protect it.  This is

counterproductive to decreasing inflammation

and healing the muscle.


2. Stretch


You must stretch all your shoulder muscles. This

loosens the joint up and increases the space for

your rotator cuff muscles to work. In addition,

loose and relaxed muscles are less likely to be



3. Strengthen


Once you stretch the muscles of the shoulder, we

have to strengthen them.  This includes the

muscles in between the shoulder blades that pull

your shoulders back and give them the support

they need.


4. Improve posture


Posture is critical to relieving any type of

shoulder pain.  Poor posture over works and

stretches the muscles. In addition, upper back

muscles that help support the shoulder become

weak in this position.


Every time you feel yourself slouching stop and

pull your shoulders back and squeeze those

shoulder blades together.


5. Interrupt the pain cycle


Often times, stretching and strengthening isn’t

possible because of the severe nature of pain.

Treatments including taping, manual therapy,

massage, or reeducation of the muscles are

needed to break the pain cycle.


Pain is a signal that something is wrong and

not to be ignored.  It must be addressed first

to safely begin moving the joint freely. An

experienced orthopedic manual therapist can

most efficiently get you on the road to pain free



Just imagine what your life could be like if your

shoulder pain was gone.  Could you do your job

pain free? Could you lift your grand kids easily?

Could you finish that workout at the gym that

you have been unable to do?   This pain free

life is possible without medications or



Inquire today as to whether physical therapy is

the answer you have been looking for to end your

shoulder pain once and for all so you can get back

to the life and activities you love.

Just click HERE to request a FREE discovery call.