8 Hobbies to Support Your Physical Health & Wellbeing

Woman Gardening

Many of us in midlife find ourselves without a hobby outside of our career, relationships, and parenting. Who has time for scrapbooking or bowling?

The truth is, the right hobby can contribute to our physical health and fitness, mental stability, and general wellbeing. They can contribute to more energy, better sleep, optimized metabolism, more patience, decreased stress, and even decreased risk of depression or heart disease. With those kind of benefits, it may be worth our time to find a heathy hobby.

If you feel like your body or mind could use a boost, one of these hobbies might be the answer.

  1. Hiking

You get fresh air, exercise, and can enjoy a great view with a friend when on a hike. If you don’t live near a trail, schedule a weekend getaway and train on a treadmill until the time comes

2. Dancing

A dance class is a great way to get your heart pumping while improving your balance, coordination, and mood. But there is no reason why you can’t pull up a few YouTube videos on style that interests you and dance at home.

3. Biking

Indoors or out, biking is great exercise. Classes provided increased motivation and socialization, but all you really need is a yard sale bike to start this healthy hobby.

4. Photography

There is plenty of free educational material and software available to perfect your photos. You can use photography as a way to take in nature and creatively express yourself. Best news – the camera on your cell phone is more than enough to get started.

5. Yoga

You can find group yoga classes, individual sessions, or many free online options to learn on your own. The benefits are numerous from improving strength, flexibility, digestion, energy, focus, and mood.

6. Art

Whether you paint, draw, sculpt, or do graphic art, it is a great way to express yourself emotionally. There are free art classes available online or just start a simple sketch journal where you let your mind wander. Art can be a great form of meditation.

7. Gardening

It doesn’t matter whether you are growing food or flowers, getting outside with your hands in the dirt is a great way to boost your health. It can boost energy, your immune system, improve your mood, and be a great form of low impact exercise.

8. Cooking

One of the best things you can do for your health is to cook at home. It doesn’t have to be gourmet, but combining your favorite fresh ingredients to make a nourishing meal is a great skill to develop. Need inspiration? Search “Foodspiration” on our website for our favorite healthy dishes.

See any hobbies that interest you?

What has stopped you from trying a new hobby or reigniting your passion for an old one?

If your physical health keeps you from hobbies or activities that you enjoy, let’s chat about getting your body back to optimal performance. We want you to enjoy an active, independent, pain free life filled with all the biking, golfing, dancing, traveling that you desire.

Click the link below to learn how a health coach can help you get back to living your BEST life at any age. We Specialize in helping people in midlife transform their health after setbacks from illness or injury to create a “well”, vibrant, active lifestyle for a lifetime.