How Lifting Weights Will Transform Your Health

lifting weights for better health

Lifting weights is about more than just looking good in a tank top, that muscle you gain has tremendous benefits to your life and longevity.  I’m here to convince you that liftings weights will transform your health and you should start today.

It doesn’t matter your age, gender, or season of life.  There are so many benefits, both physically and psychologically, from strength training that we should all be doing it.  If you have never lifted weights consistently, you are really missing out.

Here are 10 ways that Lifting Weights Will Transform Your Health:

1. You Increase Strength

This is the obvious one, but it’s more important than you might think.  After your mid 30’s you lose strength each year and it accelerates through each decade of life.  If you want your future self to be healthy and independent you must start to put in the work to build strength now.

2. You Boost Your Metabolism

Lifting weights aids in weight loss and maintaining a health body composition.  Building and maintaining muscle requires a lot of energy, so your body is using more calories even at rest when you have more muscle.  Conversely, losing muscle means you are lowering your resting metabolic rate.

3. You Improve Mood & Memory

Pumping iron pumps more blood to your brain. Subsequently, memory and mental focus improve.  It also causes the brain to produce “happy” chemicals that increase energy and optimism. In fact, a reduction in depression and anxiety is demonstrated in many weight lifting studies.

4. You Increase Bone Density

The fact that most women will experience an osteoporotic fracture in their lifetime has my 40 something self looking for ways to make my bones stronger.  Putting a heavy load on your body on a regular basis is the best way to improve bone density.  As the muscles you are working pull on the bones they are attached to, those bones also become stronger.

5. You Improve Posture

Do you slouch at your desk most of the day? Improving strength and muscle mass can help support your spine in an upright posture.  In addition, as you train with resistance it will become easier to stand or sit for extended periods of time.

6. You Decrease Arthritis Pain

Strength training will not change the wear and tear that occurs in our joints over time. Science is still working on ways to do that. However, strong muscles surrounding a joint will decrease pain, stiffness, and slow down the progression of degeneration.

7. You Sleep Better

Resistance training is shown in studies to improve sleep quality.  In addition, it’s easier to fall asleep when you are physically active during the day.  But remember, it is important to avoid any type of training too close to bed time though.

8. You Stabilize Blood Sugar

Muscle is a storage tank for glucose and using your muscles help glucose be used most effectively.  This prevents sugar from staying in the blood stream too long, increasing insulin production, and too much being stored in the liver.  Studies show strength training increases insulin sensitivity and can decrease risk for type 2 diabetes.

9.  You Decrease Inflammation

When muscles are used in strength training activities they produce myokines, a substance that helps counteract inflammation and boosts the immune system. Since low level inflammation is linked to a wide range of chronic health conditions, we shouldn’t pass up the anti inflammatory effects of exercise.

10. You Live the Life you Love

Having strong muscle and bone, power, and agility as we age allows us to continue to participate in the activities we love most.  Whether that is traveling, pickle ball, gardening, golf, or chasing kids on the playground; strength training will give us the freedom to keep moving and keep living.

We encourage you to get started with a weight lifting routine today.  If you don’t feel confident with resistance training or have an injury that you need to work around, get professional help to ensure you are safe and effective.  Contact us today for a movement screen and a personalized anti aging exercise prescription.  Inquire about availability of our Doctors of Physical Therapy HERE.

Lastly, go slow and enjoy the process. It can take a few weeks for your body to adjust to a strength training routine, but it won’t be long before you wonder why you waited so long to get started.

The Secret to Comfortable Healthy Joints Even When It’s Cold

Woman running in the winter.

Earlier this month, the groundhog saw his shadow. This means we have a few more weeks of winter weather coming our way. While you may enjoy more time by the fireplace, we know many of you are concerned about your aches and pains.  Let’s learn how to have comfortable, healthy joints even in the cold weather.

Some experts believe that decreasing barometric pressure increases inflammation in the joints. This is still up for debate, but many adults find that arthritis symptoms and discomfort from old injuries tend to progress through the winter months. The good news is that no matter the cause, you can feel comfortable in your body and enjoy your favorite activities year-round.

Say goodbye to sore hands and stiff knees with these simple lifestyle changes. They will soothe your joints even when the temperature drops.

1. Dress in Layers.

Break out the thermal underwear, gloves, and scarves to keep you joints and muscles warm. This prevents stiffness and layering allows you to make adjustments if it gets warmer later in the day.

2. Exercise Indoors.

Most healthy adults can safely exercise outside in cold weather if they are dressed appropriately. However, if your joints give you more trouble when you are outside, consider visiting an indoor track or heated pool. Our trainer provides winter workouts right inside our Collierville, Tennessee clinic.

3. Limit Comfort Foods.

Cold weather dishes are often loaded with sugar, salt, and unhealthy fats that increase inflammation.  Discover new favorites like soups, stews, and chilis made with lean proteins and lots of winter vegetables.

4. Stay Active.

Some of the joint trouble that occurs during winter is due to inactivity. The less we move, the stiffer we get, the less we want to move.  Stay as active as possible with at home fitness, seasonal gym memberships, a community yoga class, or work with a trainer for personalized exercise.

5. Massage Muscles.

Studies show that massage can provide significant relief for arthritis symptoms.  That could mean treating yourself to a session with a licensed massage therapist, purchasing a massage gun, or using a foam roller at home.

6. Support Bone Health.

Don’t forget the importance of bone health when you have achy joints and muscles.  Your skeleton is holding that all together! Load up on bone building nutrients and participate in resistance training exercise to keep them strong.

7. Eat Anti Inflammatory Foods.

Salads may look less appetizing this time of year, but there is a wide variety of anti inflammatory foods that are in season. Consider eating more salmon, broccoli, leeks, and mushrooms.  Drizzle roasted vegetables with olive oil and sip on a cup of green tea.

8. Manage Stress.

Daily tension and hormones released in the body when stressed can make physical discomfort more severe. Address this problem by making sleep a priority and finding relaxation practices that work for you.

9. Supplement for Joint Health.

This may include omega 3 fats, vitamin D, glucosamine, or a quality collagen supplement. Work with an expert to be sure you are supplementing to meet the needs of your individual body and not taking products that could interact negatively with medications or prior medical conditions.

10. Work with a Professional.

If pain is limiting your ability to enjoy this season, an orthopedic physical therapist has the expertise and tools to assess and treat your concerns. Even if you have seen a physical therapist or chiropractor in the past, it’s worth a second opinion at an Integrative Clinic. Your whole body will be taken into account and not just the achy joint.

In summary, by reducing inflammation and preventing winter weight gain you can prevent joint aches and pains during cold weather. If you need more help managing your arthritis symptoms, talk with one of our experts today.

At Peak Potential Physiotherapy & Wellness we help clients work on all of these areas of health – it’s called Lifestyle Medicine. If a practitioner in the past has only looked at your knee when considering your joint or arthritis pain, it’s time to revisit physiotherapy as an option for you. We currently offer in person Free Discovery Visits at our Collierville location (East Memphis sessions coming soon) and telehealth services are also an option.

If you are looking for an expert in the areas of personalized nutrition or supplementation, we are happy to offer our Integrative Health Coaching Services as well.  We can guide you to bone building foods, teach you how to make anti inflammatory choices, and help you evaluate the carbohydrate or healthy fat ratios to optimize your health.

If you are interested in a Free Discovery Session with a Doctor of Physical Therapy, Functional Nutrition Specialist, or Certified Exercise Physiologist call us today at 901-316-5456 or email