How Lifting Weights Will Transform Your Health

lifting weights for better health

Lifting weights is about more than just looking good in a tank top, that muscle you gain has tremendous benefits to your life and longevity.  I’m here to convince you that liftings weights will transform your health and you should start today.

It doesn’t matter your age, gender, or season of life.  There are so many benefits, both physically and psychologically, from strength training that we should all be doing it.  If you have never lifted weights consistently, you are really missing out.

Here are 10 ways that Lifting Weights Will Transform Your Health:

1. You Increase Strength

This is the obvious one, but it’s more important than you might think.  After your mid 30’s you lose strength each year and it accelerates through each decade of life.  If you want your future self to be healthy and independent you must start to put in the work to build strength now.

2. You Boost Your Metabolism

Lifting weights aids in weight loss and maintaining a health body composition.  Building and maintaining muscle requires a lot of energy, so your body is using more calories even at rest when you have more muscle.  Conversely, losing muscle means you are lowering your resting metabolic rate.

3. You Improve Mood & Memory

Pumping iron pumps more blood to your brain. Subsequently, memory and mental focus improve.  It also causes the brain to produce “happy” chemicals that increase energy and optimism. In fact, a reduction in depression and anxiety is demonstrated in many weight lifting studies.

4. You Increase Bone Density

The fact that most women will experience an osteoporotic fracture in their lifetime has my 40 something self looking for ways to make my bones stronger.  Putting a heavy load on your body on a regular basis is the best way to improve bone density.  As the muscles you are working pull on the bones they are attached to, those bones also become stronger.

5. You Improve Posture

Do you slouch at your desk most of the day? Improving strength and muscle mass can help support your spine in an upright posture.  In addition, as you train with resistance it will become easier to stand or sit for extended periods of time.

6. You Decrease Arthritis Pain

Strength training will not change the wear and tear that occurs in our joints over time. Science is still working on ways to do that. However, strong muscles surrounding a joint will decrease pain, stiffness, and slow down the progression of degeneration.

7. You Sleep Better

Resistance training is shown in studies to improve sleep quality.  In addition, it’s easier to fall asleep when you are physically active during the day.  But remember, it is important to avoid any type of training too close to bed time though.

8. You Stabilize Blood Sugar

Muscle is a storage tank for glucose and using your muscles help glucose be used most effectively.  This prevents sugar from staying in the blood stream too long, increasing insulin production, and too much being stored in the liver.  Studies show strength training increases insulin sensitivity and can decrease risk for type 2 diabetes.

9.  You Decrease Inflammation

When muscles are used in strength training activities they produce myokines, a substance that helps counteract inflammation and boosts the immune system. Since low level inflammation is linked to a wide range of chronic health conditions, we shouldn’t pass up the anti inflammatory effects of exercise.

10. You Live the Life you Love

Having strong muscle and bone, power, and agility as we age allows us to continue to participate in the activities we love most.  Whether that is traveling, pickle ball, gardening, golf, or chasing kids on the playground; strength training will give us the freedom to keep moving and keep living.

We encourage you to get started with a weight lifting routine today.  If you don’t feel confident with resistance training or have an injury that you need to work around, get professional help to ensure you are safe and effective.  Contact us today for a movement screen and a personalized anti aging exercise prescription.  Inquire about availability of our Doctors of Physical Therapy HERE.

Lastly, go slow and enjoy the process. It can take a few weeks for your body to adjust to a strength training routine, but it won’t be long before you wonder why you waited so long to get started.

Finding Freedom From Chronic Headaches

finding freedom from headaches

How often do you experience a nagging ache, stabbing pain, or intense pressure in your head?

An estimated 45 million Americans suffer from chronic headaches and many of these people are retreating from their daily lives due to pain.  Others are trying to manage day to day by constantly popping ibuprofen or aspirin.

The problem with painkillers is that we are treating symptoms and are never getting to the root cause of the problem.  And without treating the cause, the headaches keep coming back – and often more frequently.

How about we find a better, faster, and more permanent solution?

First, let’s talk about the different types of headaches you may be experiencing and then I’ll show you the plan to get to the root cause of the problem – once and for all.

Three Most Common Types of Headaches:

1. Migraines

These headaches are described as intense, throbbing or pulsing pain.  They worsen with movement, include light sensitivity, and are sometimes preceded by an aura or tunnel vision. They generally last 4-72 hours, but the frequent reoccurrence of these headaches are what result in chronic disability.

2. Cervicogenic Headaches

This pain is usually just on one side and begins in the shoulder and neck then spread into the head.  The pain is aggravated by movement and position changes and there is often tenderness to touch in the neck and upper shoulders.

3. Tension Headaches

Triggered by stress, fatigue, anger, or muscle tightness these types of headaches are experienced on both sides of the head. They are described as pressing or tightness they can last as little as 30 minutes or feel almost continuous.

Can you identify which type of headache you have most often?

In these three categories, 75% of the complaints are related to muscle tightness and joint stiffness putting pressure on the nerves in the neck. They are caused by muscle tension, spasm, and trigger points in the scalp, jaw, neck, and shoulders.

This pain can even radiate down the arm and into the hand resulting in a misdiagnosis of carpal tunnel syndrome. Luckily, there is a lot we can to do in both treatment and prevention to avoid side effects of, or dependence on, pain medication.

Treating the Types of Headaches

Prevention of these headaches lies in avoiding their root causes, which could include any of the following:

  • slouching or poor posture
  • sitting too long or sleeping position
  • jaw clenching
  • nervous system dysregulation
  • food triggers or dehydration

What if a headache has already started?

A chronic headache can often be lessened with exercise and stretching of the neck and shoulders and increasing blood flow to the brain. A physical therapist can instruct you in properly performing the following stretches:

  • Chin tucks
  • Rotation with pressure
  • Cervical side bending
  • Upper trapezius stretch
  • Levator Scapula stretch
Don’t Give Up

If these suggestions don’t work for you, this doesn’t mean you must continue to suffer.

A 2002 research study in Spine demonstrated a significant decrease in headache frequency, intensity, neck pain, and analgesic use following manual physical therapy interventions compared to a control group.  Whether headaches are an acute problem or chronic issue for you, don’t put off your life due to another headache.

If you have any questions about this topic, would like a more detailed explanation, or pictures of the stretches above, request a call from a doctor of physical therapy. This call is FREE and with no further obligation.  Just follow the link below. 

5 Easy Ways to Have a Healthier Fall

Family having fall picnic

Despite what these sunny Mid South afternoons may tell you, it won’t be long before the temperatures become a lot cooler and the days even shorter.  We may want to stay in bed when it’s still dark, move less when the evenings are chilly, or just curl up with comfort food. That won’t make for a healthier fall season.  But, I’m here to give you 5 ways to feel fabulous through fall and into the winter months – even if you usually feel like hibernating.

It feels like it was just summer with it’s bright mornings, active afternoons, and plentiful veggies – which is why the sudden transition into fall and the cooler months can be a challenge. With the winter coats comes the onslaught of stuffy noses, achy joints, and humidifiers.  Our bodies often feel less than their best as they adapt to a winter routine.

It doesn’t have to be that way. While we can’t completely avoid catching a cold or fighting fall allergies, we can give our body, mood, energy, and immune system a helping hand.  There is so much to do and see in our Collierville and greater Memphis community this time of year, let’s make sure we feel our healthiest to enjoy it.

So here are 5 tips to keep your body moving and feeling your best this fall:

1. Boost Your Immune System

You need to boost your immune system to help prevent those colds and sniffles that come home when the weather changes.  Healthy habits such as frequent hand washing, staying hydrated, and getting extra fruits and vegetables in your diet will keep your family free from germs.  Green tea and prebiotics (together in my favorite drinks HERE) are both great immune boosters if you need some extra help.

2. Get Ready for the Time Change

The switch from waking naturally with the sun, to darker mornings that feel like night, can be a struggle. By going to bed earlier the week before the clocks change, we can make the transition smoother. Put the phone away an hour before bedtime and relax with some warm decaf tea. Natural supplements like the Sleep Strips I use can also support deeper sleep to make throwing the covers off easier in the morning.

3. Buy In-Season Produce

An abundance of tasty fall vegetables makes it easy to reap the benefits of a high fiber diet.  Cabbage, carrots, brussel sprouts, cauliflower, pumpkin, kale, and squash are some of my favorites. With fiber and antioxidants, they support digestion, mood, detoxification and fat loss goals. Add them to the crockpot with broth for an easy stew, or roast then in the oven with your choice of protein for a quick dinner.

4. Walk Outside

The moderate temperatures of autumn are welcome after a sweltering summer.  Let’s enjoy them before we need a hat and gloves.  Who doesn’t love the crisp air and crunchy leaves under their feet in fall?  Get out during lunchtime for sunshine and Vitamin D to boost your mood (we often need this as the days grow shorter) and your concentration will be improved for the rest of your day.

5. Find Ways to be Active Indoors

A lot of us will ‘hibernate’ as it starts to get colder. Especially for those who enjoy trail running or outdoor boot camp classes, indoor  exercise can seem boring. But, no matter the season it’s important to get in some daily movement to lower your stress, tone your muscles, keep your bones strong, and burn some calories. The best way to do this is to prioritize it on your schedule each day. 

AND a Bonus # 6 . . .

Try a 30 day Functional Nutrition Liver Detox.  What does that mean? Follow a systematic program that allows your body to push out stored toxins and clean up from the instead out.  The results is more energy, balanced hormones, better sleep, fat loss, decreased inflammation, and you set the stage to end the year in your healthiest body ever.

Reach out to learn more about this 30 day program or more personalized health coaching on our Peak Wellness ‘Amanda Inspires’ website (and yes you can navigate a detox through the holiday and still enjoy your favorite foods).

We all know it will be even harder to eat well, sleep well, and exercise as we approach the holiday season.  So plan now to keep all those good habits you created during the warmer months to follow you into fall and winter.

You may be thinking . . .” easy for you to say go for a walk and keep active”.

I know that if you have knee, hip, or back pain it may feel even worse as it gets colder making staying active more of a challenge. Are you worried to walk and keep active afraid your pain will get worse?

Our Doctors of Physical Therapy are experts and getting people moving pain free – no matter your age, stage of life, or what an MRI told you.  Request a call from a pain & movement specialist HERE.

Healthier Together with Fall Family Fitness

10 ideas for fun fall family fitness

In these days of grab and go meals, hours spent sitting at desks, and full schedules of extracurricular activities, families need to work at being healthier together. This tends to hit especially hard in the back to school and fall season in our home.  But as parents, it is our responsibility to teach our kids the importance of taking care of our bodies and making fall family fitness a priority.

Exercising together as a family is proven in research to develop children who will grow up with this healthy practice deeply ingrained. In addition, when your family shares time together, regardless of the activity, it also secures and reinforces emotional bonds that yield endless health benefits.

Family fitness is always going to more effective if it is fun, so be creative and resourceful when it comes to the activities you plan.  The number one key though is planning.  We have to be intentional about making movement a non negotiable habit for our families.

Here are 10 ways you can have fun staying healthier together with fall family fitness.

1. Bike Riding

If your bicycles are gathering dust in the garage or shed, get them cleaned and tuned up. Then, plan a family bike ride twice each week. Mornings may be best for hot days, or after dinner may be a more convenient time for you.

2. Alternate Walking and Running

Sure, a family walk is a nice, leisurely activity. But what if you changed it up a bit and alternated walking 3 minutes with a 1 minute run. Most kids love a race and will happily run to the next light post if it’s a competition.

3. Yoga or Tai Chi

It’s nice to have some ideas for indoor fitness activities in case of a rainy day. You Tube provides an endless supply of yoga and tai chi options for a variety of skill levels. Start with short sessions to keep the interest of young kids.

4. Dance Party

One of the most enjoyable fitness activities to do with your kids is dancing. After all, who doesn’t love a party? Turn up the music and get moving in the kitchen or while cleaning up. Older kids may even be interested in trying some salsa lessons or a hip hop dance class together.

5. Rake Leaves

Grab your rakes and get active right in your own backyard. To make it feel like less of a chore, rake leaves into a maze to follow or piles to jump in before bagging them up.  Perhaps you even have a prize for the family member who rakes the tallest pile.

6. Join a Community Fun Run

Check city Facebook pages for an upcoming 5k run or 1 mile walk. Train together, set some goals, and join in the theme of the event – Halloween and Thanksgiving both provide fun opportunities to dress up.

7. Family Zoo Trip

An afternoon spent walking the The Memphis Zoo or attending Zoo Boo is a great way to do more moving and less sitting. Give your kids the map and to navigate to their favorite animals.  You can even throw in a few “I’ll race you to the giraffes” to get the heart rate up.

8. Visit a Local Hiking Trail

Detox from the electronics by enjoying the outdoors together. Hike a new trail and explore the new environment. Take it to the next level with a nature scavenger hunt with a list of leaves, plants, bugs, or wildlife you may spot on the way.

9. Outdoor Obstacle Course

Build a backyard fitness challenge with simple objects like hula hoops, cones, ladders, chalk, or rope. No equipment is required for crab walks or bear crawls that may be a bigger challenge for the adults.  Time each other to see who completes the course the fastest.

10. Play Ball

Whether it’s soccer, baseball, football, or dodgeball, outdoor games involving a ball require extra skill. Make the game a friendly competition, make up your own family rules, or invite neighbors to join in to make this a fun Sunday afternoon or after dinner tradition.

The goal is to demonstrate that fitness is fun, challenging and invigorating. We all know forcing our kids to exercise would result in resistance, so help them develop their own real excitement about staying active. The younger they are the better!

When you educate your children from a young age about fitness and the advantages of staying in shape, these lessons will endure for their whole lives. We know this can be challenging when discomfort in your body or fatigue keep you from participating in many of these activities yourself.  What better gift to give your family than to get help to feel your best so you can stay active with them.

Speak with a Doctor of Physical Therapy about your health and fitness goals today for free by clicking HERE. Our Functional Nutrition Specialist and Integrative Health Coach may be a good resource for you as well.  You can find more about those services at

10 Strategies for Increased Energy this Summer

revitalize your summer energy

Did you start the summer excited about all the things you would do in the warm, sunny weather? Or perhaps you have travel planned or are busy with a house full of kids out of school. The problem I am hearing now that we are about half way through the season, is that summer things take so much energy and many of us have run out.  So, let me give you some strategies to revitalize your summer with increased energy.

Is it even possible? Absolutely. We just need to regroup and refocus on our needs so we have the ability to do all the other things.  Consider these 10 strategies to attain and maintain increased energy so you can make the most of your summer with family and friends.

1. Take Care of Your Emotional Needs

Physical Energy will flow when you satisfy your emotional needs. You are the only person who knows exactly what you require for this, so plan time to do what is necessary to ensure you are feeling contentment. It’s easy to let these things slide when making summer fun for everyone else.

2. Up Your Antioxidant Intake

Antioxidants help the body create energy at the cellular level. Including antioxidant rich foods like berries, cherries, artichoke, asparagus, and dark leafy greens can give you increased energy, allow your muscles to perform better, and may even improve your mood.

3. Get More B Vitamins

Like antioxidants, B vitamins (primarily found in meat, fish, poultry, and dairy) are necessary for the body to produce energy. You may need a B vitamin supplement if you eat a vegan diet, are depleted due to certain medications (like hormonal birth control), or have an increased genetic requirement.

4. Avoid Heavy Foods

Eating especially rich foods prepares you well for a Netflix marathon, but not for hiking with friends or running through the sprinkler with your kids. Fill most of your plate this season with lean meats and fiber rich vegetables. You will be fueled and ready with increased energy when adventure calls.

5. Use Caffeine to Your Advantage

Caffeine increases alertness, so having a coffee can sharpen your mind. However, to get the energizing effects, you have to get just enough but not too much. It can cause insomnia, when consumed in excess or too late in the day. Knowing your genetic response to caffeine can be a game changer.

6. Sleep Well

Getting restful, deep sleep is necessary for your physical and mental health. In order to have plenty of energy during these active summer days, you’ll need plenty of deep sleep to give your body time to rejuvenate. Aim for 7-8 hours and work on improving the quality, not just quantity.

7. Plan Ahead

To keep yourself from feeling stressed out, have an idea of what you want to do over the next 3 or 4 days. Making a note of what you both have to do and hope to do means you can also plan to achieve balance regarding your activity, rest, and rejuvenation.

8. Be Active

Sit less and move more. Whether you’re at the park with kids, working from home, or on vacation, get up and move.  Take a walk, jump on your bike, push kids on the swing, toss around the football – the active doesn’t matter, but the movement does.

9. Vary Your Activities

Even if you love playing golf, a change of pace can revitalize you. Try something new like pickleball, join the kids in their backyard soccer game, swim laps, or take advantage of a guest pass at a local gym.  Challenging your body and mind can bring about a renewed spirit.

10. Pace Yourself

Allow blocks of time to rest, read, stretch, or listen to your favorite music.  Recovering sufficiently from summer activities will give you more energy to keep up with the activities you love most.

There’s no big secret to revitalization. Try the tips above to stay engaged both physically and mentally and energy will be more available to you.

If you need help identifying if you have nutrient deficiencies leaving you sluggish or need strategies to get more sleep or destress from work so you can enjoy your family time more, I would love to help you strategize a plan for more energy.

As a Functional Nutrition Specialist and Integrative Health Coach, I help those at midlife feeling fatigued and frustrated with their health discover vibrant energy and confidence in their body again.  Schedule a Free Discovery Call to Discover your next best step toward optimal health.

Get started today and pump up your vitality this summer!

Top 10 Foods For Exercise Recovery

Man and Woman Sitting, Talking at the Gym

A little soreness with a workout is bearable. . . maybe even pleasant if it’s a reminder of how hard you worked the day before.  However, some aches and pains that are more intense or don’t seem to go away quickly enough. This can limit both your ability and motivation to train.

Many clients tell us they don’t take pain medication because of the side effects, they don’t have time for a massage, and the ice bath that the trainer recommended is just unbearable.  So, the question that follows is . . . how else can I help my body recover after I exercise so I feel my best and reach my goals?

The answer may be found in your refrigerator . . .  the foods you eat.

Not just post workout, but how you fuel your body on a regular basis. Your muscles and immune system must be ready to take the hit of training and bounce back with ease.

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10 Tips to Easily Maximize Exercise Recovery

What you do after the gym matters just as much as what you did during your workout. That’s because the post workout recovery period is a time when your body builds lean muscle mass and repairs any damage.

If you shortchange yourself, you could wind up decreasing performance, increasing injury risk, or even gaining body fat. And all these things are counterproductive to the reason you exercise in the first place.

The good news it, you can ensure your workouts deliver the results you want without causing any collateral damage. Add in a few of these suggestions after you exercise to encourage maximum recovery and restoration.

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How to Enjoy Exercise More This Year

Women at Gym on Exercise Bikes

Some of us love a tough workout, and others dread any activity that will keep them from heading directly to the couch after work. Unfortunately, new guidelines indicate most of us fall into the second category. Research shows that 80% of Americans fail to meet the government recommended minimum for weekly exercise.
Whether you are making a new years goal to get fit or are just continuing your long time fitness routine, I think it would be easier to get done consistently if we found a way to make it more enjoyable.
Good news . . . a new study out of Germany suggests that just 2 changes can make you enjoy exercise more. The participants with similar fitness levels were asked to ride a stationary bicycle for the same amount of time – a pretty boring exercise in my opinion. Those who considered themselves to be athletic and knew how they were benefiting from the activity said it was more enjoyable, and even required less effort.
The researchers concluded that personal expectations made the difference.
The secret is to believe in your athletic abilities and the benefits of exercising.
Think how much easier it would be for you to stick to a workout program if you really enjoyed doing it. Try these tips for building up confidence in your athletic abilities and knowledge of it’s benefits.

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14 Ways to Be Kind to Your Body this Valentines Day

Woman Hugging Heart Balloon

When you think about your body, do you spend more time focusing on the negative or the positive?

It is easy to complain about the inches we would like to lose, or limitations that came with an injury, or how our body moves slower than it did a few years ago.

Or maybe you are focused on other areas of your life and don’t even notice your physical condition until you get the flu or throw your back out.

With so many responsibilities at home and work, it’s easy to overlook our body’s most basic needs. Despite the distractions, let’s not forget to be grateful for the amazing things our body does for us each day.

Valentines Day seems like the perfect time to show your body some love.

It’s important to take care of your body if you want to be able to rely on it – to be sure its keeps showing up for your for decades to come.

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8 Hobbies to Support Your Physical Health & Wellbeing

Woman Gardening

Many of us in midlife find ourselves without a hobby outside of our career, relationships, and parenting. Who has time for scrapbooking or bowling?
The truth is, the right hobby can contribute to our physical health and fitness, mental stability, and general wellbeing. They can contribute to more energy, better sleep, optimized metabolism, more patience, decreased stress, and even decreased risk of depression or heart disease. With those kind of benefits, it may be worth our time to find a heathy hobby.
If you feel like your body or mind could use a boost, one of these hobbies might be the answer!

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