10 Ways to Make Healthy Food Fun

Ways to Make Healthy Food Fun

Preparing your own food at home is a great way to take control of your food choices, eat healthier, and feel your best in your body. If you love to cook, that’s an added bonus. Conversely, if you’re uncomfortable in the kitchen, you may rely too much on take out. The good news is, there are ways to make healthy food fun to make and eat. 

I was blessed to grow up in a home with strong culinary role models.  I’m not talking about gourmet meals every night, but my mom was a home economics teacher so I saw balanced meals planned for and carried out each and every week.  Maybe you didn’t grow up in the kitchen, but it’s not too late to learn. On the other hand, you might be eager to bake cookies and fry bacon, but you draw a blank about what to do with asparagus or dread cooking another chicken dinner.

It’s natural to feel frustration if you have to look up half the words in a recipe or run to the store for trendy super food ingredients. You’ll be happy to hear that there are many quick and simple ways to make healthy cooking faster and even fun.

Ready to discover 10 ways to make healthy food fun? Try these suggestions to change the way you eat and enjoy the process.

1. Organize your kitchen

You don’t need an expensive renovation. Simply put your essentials within easy reach or install some racks to expand your cabinet storage.  

2. Invest in some basic tools

Ensure that your knives are sharp and cutting boards are in good shape (I replace these often).  If the budget allows, invest in a slow cooker, instant pot, air fryer, or food processor to speed up prep and cooking times. 

3. Stock up on staples

I like to fill my pantry and freezer with our favorite healthy ingredients.  That may include olive oil or diced tomatoes. I have coconut aminos and avocado oil in the pantry at all times. 

4. Play music

Research shows that music can make any task seem more effortless.  Turn on the radio or make your own amazon prime music cooking play list. A dance party in the kitchen is good for your health as well. 

5. Get your kids involved

Healthy cooking is one of the most important life skills you can nurture in your children.  You will be teaching them habits that support a higher quality of life.  I know the more my children cook, the more foods they venture to try.

Is it time to take those skills to the next level?

6. Take a class

Check the calendar at a local specialty cooking shop or cooking school.  There are online options for courses on Udemy or nearly unlimited content on You Tube. Make it more fun by having a friend join you!

7. Make a family cookbook

Assemble your favorite recipes along with pictures and stories.  First, give old favorites a healthy makeover (it usually takes just swapping a few ingredients).  You can literally pass down healthy eating habits to the next generation. 

8. Plan theme nights

Keep the weeknights fun by having theme nights each week. Try a Meatless Monday (try these Avocado Pesto Zoodles), Taco Tuesday (how about Shrimp Taco Bowls), or Wacky Wednesday.  

9. Batch Cook

It is no fun to spend every evening in the kitchen, so be sure to make extra servings when you do cook.  I reuse the extras for lunches, another dinner, or freeze them for a future night when I don’t feel like cooking. 

10. Post Your Creations

Take photos of your meal and share on social media to inspire your friends – tag us @peakpotentialpt so we can applaud your efforts as well. 

Lastly, you might just need a little practice and creativity. Before you know it, you will enjoy making nutritious meals and snacks at home. In addition to eating healthier, you’ll save money and create more opportunities to spend quality time with your loved ones.

Interested in learning more about how to prepare those “well balanced” meals and what a “healthy” plate should look like? We have a Nutrition Workshop coming up soon – options to watch virtually or attend with us live in Collierville. You will discover how to finish the year strong with a personalized nutrition strategy.  

For details about the Next Complimentary Workshop visit us on Facebook, call the office at 901-316-5456 or email amanda@peakpotentialpt.com.  Seats must be reserved in advanced due to limited class sizes. 

14 Ways to Be Kind to Your Body this Valentines Day

Woman Hugging Heart Balloon

When you think about your body, do you spend more time focusing on the negative or the positive?

It is easy to complain about the inches we would like to lose, or limitations that came with an injury, or how our body moves slower than it did a few years ago.

Or maybe you are focused on other areas of your life and don’t even notice your physical condition until you get the flu or throw your back out.

With so many responsibilities at home and work, it’s easy to overlook our body’s most basic needs. Despite the distractions, let’s not forget to be grateful for the amazing things our body does for us each day.

Valentines Day seems like the perfect time to show your body some love.

It’s important to take care of your body if you want to be able to rely on it – to be sure its keeps showing up for your for decades to come.

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8 Hobbies to Support Your Physical Health & Wellbeing

Woman Gardening

Many of us in midlife find ourselves without a hobby outside of our career, relationships, and parenting. Who has time for scrapbooking or bowling?
The truth is, the right hobby can contribute to our physical health and fitness, mental stability, and general wellbeing. They can contribute to more energy, better sleep, optimized metabolism, more patience, decreased stress, and even decreased risk of depression or heart disease. With those kind of benefits, it may be worth our time to find a heathy hobby.
If you feel like your body or mind could use a boost, one of these hobbies might be the answer!

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10 Ways to Deal with Insomnia When You Can’t Get Comfortable

Woman In Bed Looking at Alarm Clock

The occasional episode of insomnia isn’t unusual for the average person. Everyone struggles to fall asleep at times. It can be frustrating to just lie in bed wanting nothing other than to just fall asleep. The longer it takes, the more anxious you become about it.
Unfortunately, those with joint pain, back aches, muscle soreness from a work out, or are recovering from an injury often suffer on a regular basis. Sure, we can all survive a few nights of poor sleep, but it becomes increasingly troublesome when night after night you can’t seem to get comfortable.
It’s not just a night time problem either. Lack of sleep makes everyday life – and our bodies ability to recover from the pain or injury – more challenging. This makes it a problem too important to ignore for long. If aches, pains, or discomfort are keeping you up at night, don’t take the mistaken belief that this is “just a part of life” or worse “a part of getting older”.
You can take an active approach when dealing with insomnia and here are our 10 tips.

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